How can I break a string into nested tokens?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-04-07 06:55:28


I have strings made up of Boolean terms and equations, like so

x=1 AND (x=2 OR x=3) AND NOT (x=4 AND x=5) AND (x=5) AND y=1

I would like to break up the x into groups that were separated by AND, while respecting parentheses as grouping operators. For example the result for the string above would be

[['x=1'], ['x=2', 'x=3'], ['x=4'], ['x=5'], ['x=5']]

x=2 and x=3 are in the same group because they are grouped by () and not separated by an AND. The last equation was ignored because it does not start with x.


Another example is

x=1 AND (x=2 OR (x=3 AND x=4))

where each equation should be separate

[['x=1'], ['x=2', [['x=3'], ['x=4']]]

The closest I found was this post but I don't know how to modify it to my needs.


As you probably saw in that other question, parsing infix notation such as this is best done in pyparsing using the infixNotation helper (formerly named operatorPrecedence). Here are the basics for using infixNotation on your problem:

import pyparsing as pp

# define expressions for boolean operator keywords, and for an ident
# (which we take care not to parse an operator as an identifier)
AND, OR, NOT = map(pp.Keyword, "AND OR NOT".split())
any_keyword = AND | OR | NOT
ident = pp.ungroup(~any_keyword + pp.Char(pp.alphas))

# use pyparsing_common.number pre-defined expression for any numeric value
numeric_value = pp.pyparsing_common.number

# define an expression for 'x=1', 'y!=200', etc.
comparison_op = pp.oneOf("= != < > <= >=")
comparison = pp.Group(ident + comparison_op + numeric_value)

# define classes for the parsed results, where we can do further processing by
# node type later
class Node:
    oper = None
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        self.tokens = tokens[0]

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}:{!r}".format(self.oper, self.tokens.asList())

class UnaryNode(Node):
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        del self.tokens[0]

class BinaryNode(Node):
    def __init__(self, tokens):
        del self.tokens[1::2]

class NotNode(UnaryNode):
    oper = "NOT"

class AndNode(BinaryNode):
    oper = "AND"

class OrNode(BinaryNode):
    oper = "OR"

# use infixNotation helper to define recursive expression parser,
# including handling of nesting in parentheses
expr = pp.infixNotation(comparison,
            (NOT, 1, pp.opAssoc.RIGHT, NotNode),
            (AND, 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, AndNode),
            (OR, 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, OrNode),

Now try using this expr parser on a test string.

test = "x=1 AND (x=2 OR x=3 OR y=12) AND NOT (x=4 AND x=5) AND (x=6) AND y=7"

    result = expr.parseString(test, parseAll=True)
except pp.ParseException as pe:


x=1 AND (x=2 OR x=3 OR y=12) AND NOT (x=4 AND x=5) AND (x=6) AND y=7
[AND:[['x', '=', 1], OR:[['x', '=', 2], ['x', '=', 3], ['y', '=', 12]], NOT:[AND:[['x', '=', 4], ['x', '=', 5]]], ['x', '=', 6], ['y', '=', 7]]]

From this point, collapsing the nested AND nodes and removing non-x comparisons can be done using regular Python.


I suppose you could do something like this:

operators = ["AND NOT", "AND"]
sepChar = ":"
yourInputString = yourInputString.replace("(","").replace(")","") # remove the parenthesis

# Replace your operators with the separator character
for op in operators:
    yourInputString = yourInputString.replace(op,sepChar)

# output of your string so far
# yourInputString
# 'x=1 : x=2 OR x=3 : x=4 : x=5 : x=5 : y=1'

# Create a list with the separator character
operationsList = youtInputString.split(sepChar) 

# operationsList
# ['x=1', 'x=2 OR x=3', 'x=4', 'x=5', 'x=5', 'y=1']

# For the second result, let's do another operation list:
operators2 = ["OR"]
output = []

# Loop to find the other operators
for op in operationsList:
    for operator in operators2:
        if operator in op:
            op = op.split(operator)

# output:
# [['x=1'], ['x=2', 'x=3'], ['x=4'], ['x=5'], ['x=5'],['y=1']]

In this case, I used ":" as separation character, but you can change it according to your needs. Please let me know if this helps!


For a parenthesis nesting approach, I came with something brilliant:

import re
operators = ["AND NOT","AND","OR"]

# Substitute parenthesis
yourInputString = yourInputString.replace("(","[").replace(")","]")

# yourInputString
# "[x=1 AND [x=2 OR x=3] AND NOT [x=4 AND x=5] AND [x=5] AND y=1]"

# Replace your operators
for op in operators:
    yourInputString = yourInputString(op,",")

# yourInputString
# "[x=1 , [x=2 , x=3] , [x=4 , x=5] , [x=5] , y=1]"

# Find matches like x = 5 and substitue with 'x = 5'
compiler = re.compile(r"[xyz]{1}=\d")
matches = compiler.findall(yourInputString)

# matches
# ['x=1', 'x=2', 'x=3', 'x=4', 'x=5', 'x=5', 'y=1']

# Convert the list into unique outputs
matches = list(set(matches))

# matches
# ['x=1', 'x=2', 'x=3', 'x=4', 'x=5', 'y=1']

# Replace your matches to add quotes to each element
for match in matches:
    yourInputString = yourInputString.replace(match,f"'{match}'")

# yourInputString
# "['x=1' , ['x=2' , 'x=3'] , ['x=4' , 'x=5'] , ['x=5'] , 'y=1']"

# Here is the special move, convert your text into list
myList = eval(yourInputString)

# myList
# ['x=1', ['x=2', 'x=3'], ['x=4', 'x=5'], ['x=5'], 'y=1']

Let me know if that helped! Best!

