
Replace $x<y$ by $x < y$

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-20 11:24:56
问题 I want to search in text for the less than sign < between dollar signs like $x<y$ and replace it by $x < y$ . I am using mathjax and less than sign causes some problems in rendering Mathjax.(See here: I tried $text = preg_replace("/\$(.*?)(<)(.*?)\$/","/\$$1 < $3\$/",$text) but I am not sure if this is a good solution. I am new to programming:) Thank you for your help. 回答1: I edited my previous answer - now try this:


空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-20 08:28:40
find命令是一种实时查找工具,通过遍历指定的路径完成文件查找 工作特点:   由于是遍历指定路径,所以相对locate而言,它的查找速度略慢   精确查找,与locate不同的是,find是遍历指定路径,而不是通过数据库查找   实时查找,不需要向locate一样,定期更新数据库   在查找的同时,只能搜索到用户具备读取和执行权限的文件 语法: find [option]……[查找路径] [查找条件] [处理动作]   查找路径:指定具体路径;默认为当前目录   查找条件:指定的查找标准,可以文件名、大小、类型、权限等标准进行,默认为找出指定路径下的所有文件   处理动作:对符合条件的文件做操作,默认输出到屏幕 查找条件可以分为以下几类: 一、按搜索层级进行搜索 选项:-maxdepth level  #最大搜索目录深度    -mindepth level  #最小搜索目录深度 举例:搜索ifcfg-ens33 上图中,当没有加maxdepth层级选项时,默认将所有的同名的文件路径输出到了屏幕。 由于上图中指定以/为路径查找,所以/的文件为第一级,而/root/ifcfg-en33则为第二级,/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33则为第四级 二、通过文件名查找文件 -name “文件名称”  #通过文件名查找文件,支持通配符 举例

Raku regex: How to use capturing group inside lookaheads

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-02-20 06:32:30
问题 How can I use capturing groups inside lookahead assertion? This code: say "ab" ~~ m/(a) <?before (b) > /; returns: 「a」 0 => 「a」 But I was expecting to also capture 'b'. Is there a way to do so? I don't want to leave 'b' outside of the lookahead because I don't want 'b' to be part of the match. Is there a way to capture 'b' but still leave it outside of the match? NOTE: I tried to use Raku's capture markers, as in: say "ab" ~~ m/<((a))> (b) /; 「a」 0 => 「a」 1 => 「b」 But this does not seem to

Raku regex: How to use capturing group inside lookaheads

随声附和 提交于 2021-02-20 06:32:14
问题 How can I use capturing groups inside lookahead assertion? This code: say "ab" ~~ m/(a) <?before (b) > /; returns: 「a」 0 => 「a」 But I was expecting to also capture 'b'. Is there a way to do so? I don't want to leave 'b' outside of the lookahead because I don't want 'b' to be part of the match. Is there a way to capture 'b' but still leave it outside of the match? NOTE: I tried to use Raku's capture markers, as in: say "ab" ~~ m/<((a))> (b) /; 「a」 0 => 「a」 1 => 「b」 But this does not seem to

Raku regex: How to use capturing group inside lookaheads

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-20 06:29:33
问题 How can I use capturing groups inside lookahead assertion? This code: say "ab" ~~ m/(a) <?before (b) > /; returns: 「a」 0 => 「a」 But I was expecting to also capture 'b'. Is there a way to do so? I don't want to leave 'b' outside of the lookahead because I don't want 'b' to be part of the match. Is there a way to capture 'b' but still leave it outside of the match? NOTE: I tried to use Raku's capture markers, as in: say "ab" ~~ m/<((a))> (b) /; 「a」 0 => 「a」 1 => 「b」 But this does not seem to

How to parse a regular expression?

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-20 05:29:26
问题 Disclaimer before this is auto-closed. This is NOT the same as this: How do you access the matched groups in a JavaScript regular expression? Let's say I have this regular expression: const regex = /(\w+) count: (\d+)/ Is there a way I can extract the capture groups so that I have: [ '\w+', '\d+' ]` 回答1: As others pointed out you'd need a real parser, such as Lex & Yacc. You can however use regex and some recursion magic to parse nested structures. See details at

How to replace all string between second and third occurance of pipe character using regex?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-02-20 05:28:05
问题 I would like to replace all the characters occurring between second and third pipe character. Example: |hello|welcome,to| In this I want replace welcome,to with a blank value, with a huge file to be replaced. I need a regex pattern to be used in notepad++. 回答1: Assuming you're parsing each line, i.e. a token cannot include a newline: Find what: ^((?:[^|\n]*\|){2})[^|\n]*+\| Replace with: $1| Description ^ - matches the start of line ((?:[^|\n]*\|){2}) - matches and captures in group 1: (?:[^|

redirect urls from specific folder to external domains (with php?)

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-20 04:36:05
问题 The site i need this for is a wordpress site, Basicly my /out/ folder is followed by an url of a partner. i want people that go to such a link to get forwarded to that url I know there are plugins to do this manual, but i will need thousands of urls, so i basicly want to do it with a wildcard somehow Is this possible to do with php? should go to https:// this part will change, but is always an url:*

Regex to match any number after certain strings

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-02-20 04:28:05
问题 I want to match the userid number in a url string that's usually after a id= or /user/ Examples: http://dummy.url/url/path/id=7623 http://dummy.url/url/path/user/8743 http://dummy.url/url/path/user/56 http://dummy.url/url/path=88772/user/890&more=87273&variables&here=76233 http://dummy.url/url/path/id=2818372 I need to match 7623, 8743, 56, 890, 2818372 I haven't tried much on this as I'm a complete noob at regex and I only know how to mach numbers, all numbers, so if the url has any it will

how do you extract the columns that contain a certain text/string in R

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-20 04:17:25
问题 I need to be able to extract columns that contain exact string that I am looking for. For example, I have this data frame x: structure(list(Time = structure(1L, .Label = "1/1/2015", class = "factor"), WTAD..Linux..Linux.Percent.of.Physical.Memory.and.Swap.Used.on.web02.Total.Phys.Mem.MB. = 3555L, WTAD..Linux..Linux.Percent.of.Physical.Memory.and.Swap.Used.on.web02.Total.Phys.Mem.Free.MB. = 55L, WTAD..Linux..Linux.Percent.of.Physical.Memory.and.Swap.Used.on.web02.Total.Swap.Free.MB. = 44L,