redirect urls from specific folder to external domains (with php?)

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-20 04:36:05


The site i need this for is a wordpress site,

Basicly my /out/ folder is followed by an url of a partner. i want people that go to such a link to get forwarded to that url I know there are plugins to do this manual, but i will need thousands of urls, so i basicly want to do it with a wildcard somehow

Is this possible to do with php?
should go to https://

this part will change, but is always an url:*  https://  *  

So basicly "https://" should vanish, leaving just the * https:// * part

if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great

(i originally asked this question with the idea to do it with htaccess, but i believe this isn't possible to do like i want)


AltoRouter is a routing class written in PHP (5.3+)
You can use it to your advantage here, it is really useful for creating views. This is without using file.php?=%URL%, but allows you to use /out/




$router = new AltoRouter();

/* Routes */
/* $router->map(Method, Route , Target , Name) */

$router->map('GET|POST','/out/[*:url]', 'file.php', 'out');

/* Match route */
$match = $router->match();

/* Check if there is a match */
if($match) {
  header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
  require $match['target'];
} else {
  header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
  echo "Error 404";


Then, you'll need another file, you can name this anything, just make sure that the name of the file matches the target in your router map.



/* Get the URL we need to redirect to */
$url = $match["params"]["url"];

/* Redirect to the URL */
header("location: $url");

/* Exit to prevent any further processing */


As far as I can tell, using just htaccess would not function properly. To use AltoRouter, you will need to add the following into your htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

All of these files need to go into the root directory of your webserver. If you're not sure, it's typically inside of the public_html folder, but if you're unable to find it, contact your hosting provider.

