
JSCS checks for ngdocs?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-15 19:12:45
问题 Wondering if there are any JSCS checks for ngdocs? Alternatively which documentation framework do you suggest for AngularJS code and the possibility to check if code is documented well? maybe related to this: A 'documentation coverage' of grunt-ngdocs 回答1: I managed to get this working with the following .jscsrc: { "preset": "google", "maximumLineLength": 120, "disallowMultipleVarDecl": false, "jsDoc": { "checkAnnotations": { "preset": "jsdoc3", "extra": { "ngdoc": "some", "methodOf": "some"

A 'documentation coverage' of grunt-ngdocs

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-24 15:45:54
问题 To generate the documentation of my project I use ng-docs: I would like to have a report of which elements (controllers, directives,...) are not yet documented using grunt-ngdocs. Ideally this report could be added directly into the documentation, or in a way to locate easily the files which are missing documentation. Does such a grunt task or plugin exist? 来源:

How to document a factory that returns a class in angular with ngdoc?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-22 04:35:20
问题 Given an angular app with a factory that returns a class, as such: angular.module('fooApp').factory('User', function(){ function User(name){ = name; } User.prototype.greet = function(){ return "Howdy, " +; } return User; }); Using ngdoc (the special flavor of jsdoc angular uses), how do I document the initializer without defining it as a method? Right now, this is what I've tried: /** * @ngdoc service * @name fooApp.User * @description User factory. */ angular.module(

grunt-ngdocs: styles file not included to demo code

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-11 03:47:43
问题 I am using grunt-ngdocs to document my Angular project. But the demo Plunker code (generated automatically) doesn't include the CSS file. My configuration in Gruntfile.js includes: ... scripts: [ '' ], styles: [ '' ] ... In my JS src file: @example <example module="sui.checkbox"> <file name="index.html"> ... </file> <example> On the API page, the JS and CSS files are loaded correctly.

How to document a factory that returns a class in angular with ngdoc?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-05 03:01:35
Given an angular app with a factory that returns a class, as such: angular.module('fooApp').factory('User', function(){ function User(name){ = name; } User.prototype.greet = function(){ return "Howdy, " +; } return User; }); Using ngdoc (the special flavor of jsdoc angular uses), how do I document the initializer without defining it as a method? Right now, this is what I've tried: /** * @ngdoc service * @name fooApp.User * @description User factory. */ angular.module('fooApp').factory('User', function(){ /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf fooApp.User * @name Initializer *