inconsistency in getting WifiP2pInfo in WiFiDirect

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-14 05:17:14


i am creating an application based on WifiDirect in android but the issue that i am facing inconsistency in getting wifi p2p connection info.

i am checking whether wifi direct is on or not , it shows its true but still sometimes i am getting connection info and sometimes not and thats the reason why i am not getting groupOwnerAddress.

one more thing is that i get networkInfo.isConnected() to false and that time only i am not able to get the WifiP2pInfo. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't pretty frustratio

wifiManager.requestConnectionInfo(wifiChannel, new ConnectionInfoListener(){

            public void onConnectionInfoAvailable(WifiP2pInfo info) {




Sorry, I do not understand your question entirely, could you post a step-wise instructions to reproduce your problem?

I found this website very useful:

Be sure to check info.groupFormed is true, before using info.isGroupOwner and info.groupOwnerAddress

onConnectionInfo may be called at any time, but only when info.groupFormed is true it contains useful information.

Hope this helps :)

