
Wifi Direct Group Owner Address

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-02-10 19:57:13
问题 That's an easy question, I've to get the "Group Owner address" using "Wifi direct", I know that this is in WifiP2pInfo.GroupOwnerAddress, but how can I initialize WifiP2pInfo.groupOnwerAddress to get the Group Owner address in my application? Could someone give me a pass to pass? I'm new in android and java. Many Thanks. 回答1: NetworkInfo networkInfo = (NetworkInfo)intent.getParcelableExtra(extraKey); if (networkInfo.isConnected()) { wifiP2pManager.requestConnectionInfo(wifiDirectChannel, new

Wifi Direct Group Owner Address

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-10 19:56:41
问题 That's an easy question, I've to get the "Group Owner address" using "Wifi direct", I know that this is in WifiP2pInfo.GroupOwnerAddress, but how can I initialize WifiP2pInfo.groupOnwerAddress to get the Group Owner address in my application? Could someone give me a pass to pass? I'm new in android and java. Many Thanks. 回答1: NetworkInfo networkInfo = (NetworkInfo)intent.getParcelableExtra(extraKey); if (networkInfo.isConnected()) { wifiP2pManager.requestConnectionInfo(wifiDirectChannel, new

On using the WiFi Direct Api on Windows?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-12-04 07:07:55
问题 I'm currently developing an application where I need to create a link (read: WiFi link ) between a desktop app (on Windows 10) and a tablet (Android, but it is irrelevant). Workflow: Push button -> elevate privileges if required -> Create hosted network-like WiFi network -> Allow device to connect providing a SSID/password/dynamic IP address ... Previously, I used a system call to netsh (running the app with elevated privileges) to create a hosted network. Now it seems it is less and less

On using the WiFi Direct Api on Windows?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-12-04 07:05:23
问题 I'm currently developing an application where I need to create a link (read: WiFi link ) between a desktop app (on Windows 10) and a tablet (Android, but it is irrelevant). Workflow: Push button -> elevate privileges if required -> Create hosted network-like WiFi network -> Allow device to connect providing a SSID/password/dynamic IP address ... Previously, I used a system call to netsh (running the app with elevated privileges) to create a hosted network. Now it seems it is less and less

Unity3d WIfi direct (P2P) android support

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-08-03 09:12:30
问题 I am trying to figure out how to make game which will work only locally using Wifi Direct without any internet access. The concept is very simple. It will be some kind of presentation so I need to have one master/host device and other connected devices will be slaves/clients . When I press button on master/host than should be changed only one value (string or int) in all slaves/clients devices. With support of 20-40 connected devices in same time. I have Tried: UNet - it works only if it is

Checking miracast compatible devices using android app

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-06-11 08:06:17
问题 How can I search for Miracast compatible devices (may be using WiFi Direct) in android? I just got to know that DisplayManager and Presentation class in Android 4.2 help in presentation & miracast. But is there any way I can check if the other device is Miracast compatible / search Miracast sink? Thanks Smitha 回答1: android framework source codes shows how to search miracast sink devices. basically using WiFi Direct devices search API, discoverPeers -> requestPeers -> isWifiDisplay &

Android - Wifi Direct / p2p not able to find peers on Android 8

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-05-13 06:23:06
问题 I started creating an Android app wifi Wifi direct functionality. I do a peer discover and I like to see the peers in a listview. I now have a app which tries to discover peers and shows the peers in a list. But I'm facing the problem that this works fine on my Android 5 device. Here I can see my Android 8 device, but not the other way around. I cannot see my Android 5 device on my Android 8 device. I followed steps from here: https://developer.android.com/training/connect-devices-wirelessly

inconsistency in getting WifiP2pInfo in WiFiDirect

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-14 05:17:14
问题 i am creating an application based on WifiDirect in android but the issue that i am facing inconsistency in getting wifi p2p connection info. i am checking whether wifi direct is on or not , it shows its true but still sometimes i am getting connection info and sometimes not and thats the reason why i am not getting groupOwnerAddress . one more thing is that i get networkInfo.isConnected() to false and that time only i am not able to get the WifiP2pInfo . sometimes it works sometimes it doesn

How do you retrieve the WiFi Direct MAC address?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-11 06:26:29
问题 I am trying to retrieve the MAC address of an Android device. This is ordinarily possible through the WiFiManager API if WiFi is on. Is there any way to get the MAC address if WiFi is off and WiFi Direct is on? WiFi AND WiFi Direct can't be on at same time on my phone. Thanks 回答1: I had been searching for this during my project. My requirements were to uniquely identify devices in an adhoc P2p network formed with WiFi Direct. Each device should identify its friend device the next time when it

Is it possible to connect two or more WiFi Direct groups?

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-11 03:32:11
问题 I am currently experimenting with WiFi-Direct (WiFiP2p) for a project I'm working on and wanted to know if one can create bridge between groups, thus joining them together? Based upon the white paper released by the WiFi Alliance, it should be possible (though "The P2P Specification does not describe the mechanism for this capability – implementation is specific to the vendor"). I have looked through the internet and have found some answers (this, this, etc.) but I feel that none are