How to get rid of HTML-tags in a message?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-07 04:09:48


For the last time I've been using EWS MAPI to connect to Exchange Server. After this is done I access my mails and firstly display their body (which contains a LOT HTML-tags) in a gridview. After you select a record of that gridview the body is shown in a freetextbox.

My problem is that I want to get rid of the HTML in the body. And configure the freetextbox so that it still displays the the text in his true format.

Thanks in advance.


You can use regular expressions.

have a look at: here


You can use Html Agility Pack to parse Html and strip out what you want. There are a lot of information on SO about it, for example: How to use HTML Agility pack


Maybe this can help

Convert special chars to HTML entities, without changing tags and parameters

