
Ignore IgnoreAttribute

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-05-09 18:15:50
问题 We have MSTest tests which automatically run in hourly production. One of these tests is marked with [Ignore] attribute because it is not yet ready to run it in our production environment. Now I want to start that test (only) on my local environment because my local environment is ready for that test. I try to run that test by clicking on ReSharper's icon on the left side of test code or by clicking Run Selected Tests icon in Unit Test Sessions window and nothing happens. I fix it currently

Automatically attaching to support behavior not completely successful

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-07 05:59:44
问题 I have a Visual Studio 2010 solution containing several C# projects, with Resharper 5.1 installed and enabled. All these projects target the .NET Framework 4. This solution has been working fine for months, but this morning I got the following message when the solution was loaded: I've looked around for an explanation on the meaning of this message, but with little luck. Additionally, I haven't been able to repro this error, and it doesn't seem to have broken anything on my project. Still, I

Can you get ReSharper to display exceptions in Intellisense?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-07 05:49:35
问题 I'm a fan of the overridden Intellisense behaviour provided by ReSharper. However, I can't seem to get it to display exceptions (anything with the /// <exception cref="SomeExcpetionName"/> xml comment). Does anyone know a way to enable this functionality? NOTE: This is not an issue related to not including the xml comment file from a dll as it is happening for all classes (even core .Net ones). Plus, any of my own libraries, which I have ensured the XML file is included, are not displaying

Inherited test class from generic base is ignored in MSTest

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-11-30 17:17:36
When creating a generic base test class in MSTest, and inheriting from it, I'm unable to run the tests of all the inheriting classes. BaseDependencyPropertyFactoryTest is located in the Whathecode.PresentationFramework.Tests assembly. It is the generic base class. ( BaseDependencyPropertyFactoryTest<TTestClass> ) Both assemblies have a test inheriting from this base class, called DependencyPropertyFactoryTest . All the inherited class does is passing a specific type argument. [TestClass] public class DependencyPropertyFactoryTest : BaseDependencyPropertyFactoryTest<ASpecificClass> { } Only the

Inherited test class from generic base is ignored in MSTest

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-11-30 00:50:42
问题 When creating a generic base test class in MSTest, and inheriting from it, I'm unable to run the tests of all the inheriting classes. BaseDependencyPropertyFactoryTest is located in the Whathecode.PresentationFramework.Tests assembly. It is the generic base class. ( BaseDependencyPropertyFactoryTest<TTestClass> ) Both assemblies have a test inheriting from this base class, called DependencyPropertyFactoryTest . All the inherited class does is passing a specific type argument. [TestClass]