Inject a stateless EJB with @Inject into CDI Weld ManagedBean (JSF 1.2 EJB Application on jboss 6 AS)

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-29 04:51:12


Currently I am trying to inject a stateless EJB into a CDI managed controller on Jboss 6 AS Final. The controller is managed in the context an accessible from the JSF pages. If I inject the stateless bean with @EJB it is working. If I inject the stateless EJB with @Inject I get the following Exception:

My controller:

public class TestController {   
    private TestManagerLocal myTestManager;

My stateless bean:

public class TestManagerBean implements TestManagerLocal {

    private EntityManager em;

The Interface of the Bean is annotated with @Local.

If I try to call myTestManager I get the following exception:

WELD-000079 Could not find the EJB in JNDI: class$jboss$weld$bean-jboss$classloader:id="vfs:$$$usr$local$jboss$server$default$deploy$test$ear"-SessionBean-TestManagerBean_$$_WeldProxy

THX a lot.


For those not having the luxury to change an ear to a war, I've found the following workaround:

  • Create an EJB in the war
  • Inject that EJB with the EJBs from the EJB module
  • Add CDI producer methods
  • Qualify @Inject with the qualifier for those producer methods:


// This bean is defined in the WEB module
public class EJBFactory {

    protected UserDAO userDAO;

    // ~X other EJBs injected here

    @Produces @EJBBean
    public UserDAO getUserDAO() {
        return userDAO;

    // ~X other producer methods here

Now EJBs from anywhere in the EAR can be injected with:

// This bean is also defined in the web module
public class MyBean {

    @Inject @EJBBean
    private UserDAO userDAO; // injection works

    public void test() {
        userDao.getByID(...); // works


EJBBean is a simple standard qualifier annotation. For completeness, here it is:

public @interface EJBBean {



The problem was, that I built and deployed my application as an ear. Weld is working when I deploy my application as an war including all EJBs.


Currently there are various problems arising from the fact that WARs in EAR-Deployments don't share the same classloader. See for the ongoing discussion in the JBoss-AS JIRA (and vote it up :-) )

UPDATE I found this information on how to disable separate classloaders, option 1 worked for me, but be extremely careful with this. The separation of classloaders hasn't been introduced for no reason, so apparently there are new problems on the road ahead...

