
How to make @Schedule method to be called only once at a time

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-10 04:34:05
问题 We are using the @Schedule EJB annotation to start a scheduled job do a delta SOLR import every x seconds. Of course we want to have as less timeshift in indexing as possible. Currently I try to do the delta every 5 seconds. So my question is: Can I make sure the job is only called once? So let's say the indexing is lasting longer than 5 seconds, will the next schedules call wait until the previous is coming back? 回答1: Yes. You can make the bean a @Singleton and use @Lock(LockType.Write) to

How to make @Schedule method to be called only once at a time

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-10 04:33:25
问题 We are using the @Schedule EJB annotation to start a scheduled job do a delta SOLR import every x seconds. Of course we want to have as less timeshift in indexing as possible. Currently I try to do the delta every 5 seconds. So my question is: Can I make sure the job is only called once? So let's say the indexing is lasting longer than 5 seconds, will the next schedules call wait until the previous is coming back? 回答1: Yes. You can make the bean a @Singleton and use @Lock(LockType.Write) to

How do I create a non-persistent EJB 3.1 Timer?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-02-04 17:48:14
问题 Using NetBeans 7.1 / GlassFish 3.1, I created a new TimerSessionBean. @Stateless public class NewTimerSessionBean implements NewTimerSessionBeanLocal { @Schedule(minute = "*", second = "0", dayOfMonth = "*", month = "*", year = "*", hour = "9-17", dayOfWeek = "Mon-Fri") @Override public void myTimer() { System.out.println("Timer event: " + new Date()); } } How can I declare that the timer is non-persistent? http://www.theserverside.com/news/1363578/EJB-31-A-Significant-Step-Towards-Maturity

javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: EJBCLIENT000079 with JBoss 7.1 and Eclipse

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-06-26 14:11:19
问题 I am quite new to JavaEE and tried to get a little Hello World example running (https://ibytecode.com/blog/how-to-create-a-simple-ejb3-project-in-eclipse-jboss-7-1/), but I am stuck with an Exception in thread "main" javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: EJBCLIENT000079: Unable to discover destination for request for EJB StatelessEJBLocator for "/HelloWorldSessionBean/HelloWorldBean", view is interface com.ibytecode.business.HelloWorld, affinity is None It is probably only some beginner's error, but

javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: EJBCLIENT000079 with JBoss 7.1 and Eclipse

为君一笑 提交于 2020-06-26 14:11:07
问题 I am quite new to JavaEE and tried to get a little Hello World example running (https://ibytecode.com/blog/how-to-create-a-simple-ejb3-project-in-eclipse-jboss-7-1/), but I am stuck with an Exception in thread "main" javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: EJBCLIENT000079: Unable to discover destination for request for EJB StatelessEJBLocator for "/HelloWorldSessionBean/HelloWorldBean", view is interface com.ibytecode.business.HelloWorld, affinity is None It is probably only some beginner's error, but

PayaraMicro does not call @PreDestroy on EJB or ApplicationScoped

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-05-31 05:44:06
问题 I'm migrating a WAR application from PayaraServer to Payara Micro to reduce RAM usage. I just realise that @PreDestroy on EJBs are not called when stopping the instance with CTRL+C. Is there a correct way to close the payaramicro instance properly as I'd like to execute some operations. Thanks for your answers! Or which services in Payara Server to deactivate to use as much as RAM as PayaraMicro? I'm using the version 5.183, and I also tried the 5.192. 回答1: Which kind of EJB did you use? In

PayaraMicro does not call @PreDestroy on EJB or ApplicationScoped

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-05-31 05:43:28
问题 I'm migrating a WAR application from PayaraServer to Payara Micro to reduce RAM usage. I just realise that @PreDestroy on EJBs are not called when stopping the instance with CTRL+C. Is there a correct way to close the payaramicro instance properly as I'd like to execute some operations. Thanks for your answers! Or which services in Payara Server to deactivate to use as much as RAM as PayaraMicro? I'm using the version 5.183, and I also tried the 5.192. 回答1: Which kind of EJB did you use? In

HK2 Jersey EJB 3 injection

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-06 11:48:09
问题 I followed the 22.1. Implementing Custom Injection Provider paragraph https://jersey.java.net/documentation/latest/user-guide.html#deployment I was able to develop my own injectable custom annotation following the steps described in this post: Jersey 2.x Custom Injection annotation NULL So i use these deployment instructions to bind my injectionresolver: <servlet> <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer</servlet-class>

Remote ejb call failed after successful calls

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-06 07:15:06
问题 I've a strange problem. I've install JbossAS 7.1.1 and deployed my ear file successfully. My client is running to tomcat 6.035. I can make successful EJB calls to my jboss deployment - but one specific EJB calls fails. my client environment setup is as below :- Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory"); env.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming"); env.put

Remote ejb call failed after successful calls

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-06 07:15:00
问题 I've a strange problem. I've install JbossAS 7.1.1 and deployed my ear file successfully. My client is running to tomcat 6.035. I can make successful EJB calls to my jboss deployment - but one specific EJB calls fails. my client environment setup is as below :- Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory"); env.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming"); env.put