How can I format an ISO 8601 date to a more readable format, using Javascript? [duplicate]

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-19 02:49:21


I'm using an API to call a date from a post.

Dates are returned in ISO 8601 format :


I want my dates to be formatted like this :


Then, later, I want to insert them into my HTML, like this :

    var html = '<randomhtml> '+this.created_at+' <randomhtml>

Does anyone know how I can change my date to right format?


The easiest would be to just work with the string


    var date = this.created_at.split('T') // split on the "T"   -> ["2015-11-09", "10:..."]
                              .shift()    // get the first part -> "2015-11-09"
                              .split('-') // split again on "-" -> ["2015", "11", "09"]
                              .reverse()  // reverse the array  -> ["09", "11", "2015"]
                              .join('/')  // join with "/"      -> "09/11/2015"

    var html = '<randomhtml> ' + date + ' <randomhtml>';

As it's a UTC date, just passing it do new Date() would add the difference of the timezone, and not always output the correct date.
If you need to validate the date, there are regexes for checking valid UTC dates.


this can be solve your problem

var date = new Date('2015-11-09T10:46:15.097Z');
alert((date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + date.getDate() + '/' +  date.getFullYear());

output will be "09/11/2015"


For date manipulation momentjs library is very useful.

If you want to make date format dependent on users country you can additionally use formatjs.


All browsers

The most reliable way to format a date with the source format you're using, is to apply the following steps :

  1. Use your time string as input for new Date()
  2. Use .getDate(), .getMonth() and .getFullYear() to get respectively the day, month and year
  3. Paste the pieces together according to your target format

The format function below shows you the optimal way to combine those four steps :

var date = '2015-11-09T10:46:15.097Z';

function format(input) {
    var date = new Date(input);
    return [
       ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2),
       ("0" + (date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2),

document.body.innerHTML = format(date); // OUTPUT : 09/11/2015

(See also this Fiddle).


While this approach does work in all browsers, you'll need an additional step before new Date(input) to parse your ISO 8601 format if you need to support browsers as old as IE8--. See the accepted answer at Javascript JSON Date parse in IE7/IE8 returns NaN for a function that does exactly that.

Modern browsers only

You can also use the built-in .toLocaleDateString method to do the formatting for you. You just need pass along the proper locale and options to match the right format, which unfortunately is only supported by modern browsers (*) :

var date = '2015-11-09T10:46:15.097Z';

function format(input) {
    return new Date(input).toLocaleDateString('en-GB', {
        year: 'numeric',
        month: '2-digit',
        day: '2-digit'

document.body.innerHTML = format(date); // OUTPUT : 09/11/2015

(See also this Fiddle).

(*) According to the MDN, "Modern browsers" means Chrome 24+, Firefox 29+, IE11, Edge12+, Opera 15+ & Safari nightly build


The simplest and most reliable way to reformat a date string is to just reformat the string. So use split (or match) to get the values and return them in the order you want, ignoring the bits you don't need, e.g.:

function isoToDMY(s) {
   var b = s.split(/\D/);
   return b[2] + '/' + b[1] + '/' + b[0];


If you want the output date to also consider the host system time zone (e.g. 2015-11-09T20:46:15Z in a timezone that is UTC+0530 will be 2015-11-10T02:16:15Z)), then you should manually parse it to a Date object and then get year, month and day values.

A library can help with parsing, but a function to parse and validate the values is only a few lines.

