Creating and updating Zend_Search_Lucene indexes

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-05 05:11:26

Yes , you can check if a Document is already in the index, have a look in this Manual Page. You can then delete this specific Document from the index via $index->delete($id);, where $id is the return value of the termDocs method. After that you can simply add the new version of the Document.

About the multiple index files that Lucene creates: Every time you modify an existing index, Lucene does not realy change the existing files, but adds partial indexes for every change you make. This is extremely bad for performance, but there is a simple way around this. After every change you make to the index do this: $index->optimize(); - this will append all the partial files to the real index, improving searchtimes dramatically.
