
Querying part-of-speech tags with Lucene 7 OpenNLP

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-20 03:50:40
问题 For fun and learning I am trying to build a part-of-speech (POS) tagger with OpenNLP and Lucene 7.4. The goal would be that once indexed I can actually search for a sequence of POS tags and find all sentences that match sequence. I already get the indexing part, but I am stuck on the query part. I am aware that SolR might have some functionality for this, and I already checked the code (which was not so self-expalantory after all). But my goal is to understand and implement in Lucene 7, not

Querying part-of-speech tags with Lucene 7 OpenNLP

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-20 03:49:49
问题 For fun and learning I am trying to build a part-of-speech (POS) tagger with OpenNLP and Lucene 7.4. The goal would be that once indexed I can actually search for a sequence of POS tags and find all sentences that match sequence. I already get the indexing part, but I am stuck on the query part. I am aware that SolR might have some functionality for this, and I already checked the code (which was not so self-expalantory after all). But my goal is to understand and implement in Lucene 7, not

Querying part-of-speech tags with Lucene 7 OpenNLP

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-20 03:49:00
问题 For fun and learning I am trying to build a part-of-speech (POS) tagger with OpenNLP and Lucene 7.4. The goal would be that once indexed I can actually search for a sequence of POS tags and find all sentences that match sequence. I already get the indexing part, but I am stuck on the query part. I am aware that SolR might have some functionality for this, and I already checked the code (which was not so self-expalantory after all). But my goal is to understand and implement in Lucene 7, not

为什么 ElasticSearch 比 MySQL 更适合复杂条件搜索

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-19 22:49:33
点击上方" 程序员历小冰 ",选择“置顶或者星标” 你的关注意义重大! 熟悉 MySQL 的同学一定都知道,MySQL 对于复杂条件查询的支持并不好。MySQL 最多使用一个条件涉及的索引来过滤,然后剩余的条件只能在遍历行过程中进行内存过滤,对这个过程不了解的同学可以先行阅读一下 《MySQL复杂where条件分析》 。 上述这种处理复杂条件查询的方式因为只能通过一个索引进行过滤,所以需要进行大量的 I/O 操作来读取行数据,并消耗 CPU 进行内存过滤,导致查询性能的下降。 而 ElasticSearch 因其特性,十分适合进行复杂条件查询,是业界主流的复杂条件查询场景解决方案,广泛应用于订单和日志查询等场景。 下面我们就一起来看一下,为什么 ElasticSearch 适合进行复杂条件查询。 ElasticSearch 简介 Elasticsearch 是开源的实时分布式搜索分析引擎,内部使用 Lucene 做索引与搜索。它提供"准实时搜索"能力,并且能动态集群规模,弹性扩容。 Elasticsearch 使用 Lucene 作为其全文搜索引擎,用于处理纯文本的数据,但 Lucene 只是一个库,提供建立索引、执行搜索等接口,但不包含分布式服务,这些正是 Elasticsearch 做的。 下面,我们来介绍一下 ElasticSearch 的相关概念。为了便于初学者理解

Elasticsearch sort based on the number of occurrences a string appears in an array

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-02-18 19:35:48
问题 I have an array field containig a list of strings: ie.: ["NY", "CA"] At search time I have a filter which matches any of the strings in the array. I would like to sort the results based on documents that have the most number of appearances of the searched string: "NY" Results should include: document 1: ["CA", "NY", "NY"] document 2: ["NY", FL"] document 3: ["NY", CA", "NY", "NY"] Results should be ordered as such User 3, User 1, User 2 Is this possible? If so, how? 回答1: For those curious, I

How to determine the lucene index version?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-18 14:58:17
问题 I am writing a shell script (csh) that has to determine the lucene index version and then based on that it has to upgrade the index to next version. So, if the lucene indices are on 2.x, I have to upgrade the indices to 3.x Finally the indices need to be upgraded to 6.x. Since upgrading indices is a sequential process(2.x->3.x->4.x->5.x->6.x), I have to know the indices version before hand so that I can set the classpath properly and upgrade. Please help me on this. 回答1: This is not a very

盘点全球最厉害的 14 位程序员大神,请收下我的膝盖~

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-02-18 09:50:08
全球最厉害的14位程序员是谁,您知道的有几位呢? 以下排名不分先后: 1. Jon Skeet 个人名望: 程序技术问答网站Stack Overflow总排名第一的大神,每月的问答量保持在425个左右。 个人简介/主要荣誉: 谷歌软件工程师,代表作有《深入理解C#(C# In Depth)》。 网络上对Jon Skeet的评价: “他根本不需要调试器,只要他盯一下代码,错误之处自会原形毕露。” “如果他的代码没有通过编译的时候,编译器就会道歉。” “他根本不需要什么编程规范,他的代码就是编程规范。” 2. Gennady Korotkevich 个人声望: 编程大赛神童 个人简介/主要荣誉: 年仅11岁时便参加国际信息学奥林比克竞赛,创造了最年轻选手的记录。在2007-2012年间,总共取得6枚奥赛金牌;2013年美国计算机协会编程比赛冠军队成员;2014年Facebook黑客杯冠军得主。截止目前,稳居俄编程网站Codeforces声望第一的宝座,在TopCoder算法竞赛中暂列榜眼位置。 网络上对Gennady Korotkevich的评价: “一个编程神童。” “他太令人惊讶了,他相当于我在白俄罗斯建立了一支强大的编程队伍” “彻底的编程天才” 3. Linus Torvalds 个人名望: Linux之父 个人简介/主要荣誉: Linux和Git之父,一个开源的操作系统;


冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-18 09:10:31
导读: 全球最厉害的14位程序员是谁?一起来看下让我们膜拜的这些大神都有哪些? 排名不分先后。 01 Jon Skeet 个人名望: 程序技术问答网站Stack Overflow总排名第一的大神,每月的问答量保持在425个左右。 个人简介/主要荣誉: 谷歌软件工程师,代表作有《深入理解C#(C# In Depth)》。 网络上对Jon Skeet的评价: “他根本不需要调试器,只要他盯一下代码,错误之处自会原形毕露。” “如果他的代码没有通过编译的时候,编译器就会道歉。” “他根本不需要什么编程规范,他的代码就是编程规范。” 02 Gennady Korotkevich 个人声望: 编程大赛神童 个人简介/主要荣誉: 年仅11岁时便参加国际信息学奥林比克竞赛,创造了最年轻选手的记录。在2007-2012年间,总共取得6枚奥赛金牌;2013年美国计算机协会编程比赛冠军队成员;2014年Facebook黑客杯冠军得主。截止目前,稳居俄编程网站Codeforces声望第一的宝座,在TopCoder算法竞赛中暂列榜眼位置。 网络上对Gennady Korotkevich的评价: “一个编程神童。” “他太令人惊讶了,他相当于我在白俄罗斯建立了一支强大的编程队伍。” “彻底的编程天才。” 03 Linus Torvalds 个人名望: Linux之父 个人简介/主要荣誉:

what's the difference between grouping and facet in lucene 3.5

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-17 20:05:52
问题 I found in lucene 3.5 contrib folder two plugins: one is grouping, the other is facet. In my option, both of them were used to split my documents into different categories. Why lucene has now two plugins for this? 回答1: They are two different lucene features: Grouping was first released with Lucene 3.2, its related jira issue is LUCENE-1421: it allows to group search results by specified field. For example, if you group by the author field, then all documents with the same value in the author


我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-16 07:41:40
一、Solr简述 1、Solr是什么? Solr是一个Java开发的基于Lucene的开源搜索平台,其搜索技术核心是使用倒排索引,即通过关键字映射到对应的文档(value--key),与一般搜索用到的key--value不同。 Solr内的资源存储是以文档Document为对象进行存储,文档的内容是由多个表示资源属性的Field构成的。Solr是将文档中的Field经过分词后作为索引,用二分法将关键字与排序号的索引进行匹配,进而查找到对应文档,提供高性能的搜索效率。每个文档都通过唯一的id字段来表示该文档。 2、为什么使用Solr? 由于传统电商多数使用传统搜索,即 传统搜索是从静态数据库中筛选出符合条件的结果,这种结果往往是不可变得、静态的。而通常电商系统中需要提供搜索功能,通过任意关键字搜索出匹配的结果。而 这些 任意 的数据不可能是根据数据库的字段查询的,所以需要利用全文搜索工具提前对数据进行分词,然后通过分词的结果,根据分词搜索到对应的文档,向用户反馈搜索结果。而Solr就能通过倒排索引功能,技术,结合IKanalyzer中文分词器实现这样的搜索功能。 3、Solr、elasticsearch与Lucene三者联系与区别 (1)三者介绍 Lucene是一套信息检索工具包,并不包含搜索引擎系统,它包含了索引结构、读写索引工具、相关性工具、排序等功能