
SimpleFramwork XML: Element with Inner Text and Child Elements

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-06 08:30:58
I have the following situtation in deserializing xml using SimpleFramework of specific format that cannot be changed... <Question ID="Q1"> THIS INNER TEXT IS THE ISSUE <Criteria Type="Normal" Source="OEM"> <Value Type="0">45.7</Value> <Value Type="100">42.7</Value> </Criteria> <Criteria Type="Impact" Source="OEM"> <Value Type="0">45.7</Value> <Value Type="100">42.7</Value> </Criteria> <!-- CRITERIA CAN HAVE ANY NUMBER --> </Question> and here is the class I wrote for Question @Root (name="Question") public class Question { @Attribute (name="ID") private String id; @ElementList (inline=true,

Get innertext between two tags - VB.NET - HtmlAgilityPack

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-06 03:41:45
I'm using HtmlAgilityPack and I want to get the inner text between two specific tags, for example: <a name="a"></a>Sample Text<br> I want to get the innertext between </a> and <br> tags: Sample Text How can I do it? TIA... Once you have reached the anchor you could use the NextSibling property: Dim doc = New HtmlDocument() doc.LoadHtml("<html><body><a name=""a""></a>Sample Text<br></body></html>") Dim a = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//a[@name=""a""]") Console.WriteLine(a.NextSibling.InnerText) 来源:

How to append content to querySelectorAll element with innerHTML/innerText?

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-04 11:50:03
I currently have my class element: var frame_2 = document.querySelectorAll(".name"); Currently this div is empty. I now want to "append/add" some content to that div - I had a go with innerHTML + innerText but for some reason nothing seems to be added. Example: frame_2.innerHTML = '<img src="image.gif" />'; and frame_2.innerText = 'some text'; Any suggestions? Im not sure if there are ways of doing the same - or performance'wise something better? this gives you a list of elements that contain the class name var name=document.querySelectorAll(".name"); you want the first element? name[0]

What is the difference between innerText and outerText?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-04 08:53:08
问题 After searching through web i understood the difference between innerHTML and outerHTML. However i am having hard time understanding the difference between innerText and outerText. Both appear almost same to me. Can anyone help me understand this with a nice illustration ? Thank You ! 回答1: innerText changes only text within HTML tags, e.g. <div> <p>Change Me</p> </div> p.innerText = "Changed!" Becomes <div> <p>Changed!</p> </div> Whereas outerText : <div> <p>Change Me</p> </div> p.outerText =

document.querySelectorAll get innerText of ALL selected elements at once pure javascript

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-03 08:35:51
I want to get all innerText of a whole column of a very long html table (random length). I'm using this code: var tbEls = document.querySelectorAll('#tBodyID tr td:nth-child(cidx)'); Where cidx = the column index I want to extract content from. But such code extracts all the td elements (with the innerText inside them of course). But it doesn't extract directly all the innerText inside them. Cause of this I have to reprocess the returned tdEls array with a for loop to extract from each tbEls[i] element its own innerText. It works but... My question is: In pure JS (no external libraries or

What is the difference between innerText and outerText?

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-03 01:16:43
After searching through web i understood the difference between innerHTML and outerHTML. However i am having hard time understanding the difference between innerText and outerText. Both appear almost same to me. Can anyone help me understand this with a nice illustration ? Thank You ! innerText changes only text within HTML tags, e.g. <div> <p>Change Me</p> </div> p.innerText = "Changed!" Becomes <div> <p>Changed!</p> </div> Whereas outerText : <div> <p>Change Me</p> </div> p.outerText = "Changed!" Becomes <div> Changed! </div> Basically, innerText : what's between the tags of the element.

InnerText alternative in mozilla [duplicate]

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-11-29 13:21:48
This question already has an answer here: 'innerText' works in IE, but not in Firefox 15 answers Does any one know innerText alternative of a span in mozilla? My span is <span id='cell1'></span> and the javascript is document.getElementById('cell1').innerText = 'Tenelol'; But Mozilla is not supporting this!! alex innerText is a proprietary IE thing. The W3C defines textContent as the official property. An easy way is to exploit the || logical operator and its short circuiting nature, as well as JavaScript returning the last evaluated value in a condition (most times the truthy operand). var

Using JAXB to extract inner text of XML element

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-11-27 15:35:06
Problem Given the following XML configuration file: <main> <name>JET</name> <maxInstances>5</maxInstances> <parameters> <a>1</a> <b> <b1>test1</b1> <b2>test2</b2> </b> </parameters> </main> I need to extract the value of the name and maxInstances elements and then the whole inner text of the parameters element. e.g. name = "JET" maxInstances = 5 parameters = "<a>1</a><b><b1>test1</b1><b2>test2</b2></b>" Ultimately the parameters block can contain any well formed XML. Attempted Solution The following code works for name and maxInstances but not parameters: @XmlRootElement(name="main") public

Cross-browser innerText for setting values

旧时模样 提交于 2019-11-27 14:45:50
Let's say I have the following code: <html> <head></head> <body> <div id="d">some text</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var d = document.getElementByid('d'); var innerText = d.innerText || d.textContent; innerText = 'new text'; </script> </body> </html> And I want to change text value for the div tag with id='d'. Unfortunately the block code above doesn't work and the text content doesn't change. It works if do the following recipe: if (d.innerText) d.innerText = 'new text'; else d.textContent = 'new text'; But I dont like the recipe above because it's not compact. Have you any

php domdocument read element inner text

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-11-26 23:36:19
问题 I'm new to php so please forgive the simple question: How do I extract the text from an element? <span id="myElement">Some text I want to read</span> I have this for a start: <?php $data = $dom->getElementById("myElement"); $html = $dom->saveHTML($data); But then? What is the correct instruction? 回答1: To get the text that an element contains, you need the textContent property: $text = $data->textContent; 来源: