
SimpleFramwork XML: Element with Inner Text and Child Elements

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-22 18:29:12
问题 I have the following situtation in deserializing xml using SimpleFramework of specific format that cannot be changed... <Question ID="Q1"> THIS INNER TEXT IS THE ISSUE <Criteria Type="Normal" Source="OEM"> <Value Type="0">45.7</Value> <Value Type="100">42.7</Value> </Criteria> <Criteria Type="Impact" Source="OEM"> <Value Type="0">45.7</Value> <Value Type="100">42.7</Value> </Criteria> <!-- CRITERIA CAN HAVE ANY NUMBER --> </Question> and here is the class I wrote for Question @Root (name=

Get innertext between two tags - VB.NET - HtmlAgilityPack

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-22 11:05:54
问题 I'm using HtmlAgilityPack and I want to get the inner text between two specific tags, for example: <a name="a"></a>Sample Text<br> I want to get the innertext between </a> and <br> tags: Sample Text How can I do it? TIA... 回答1: Once you have reached the anchor you could use the NextSibling property: Dim doc = New HtmlDocument() doc.LoadHtml("<html><body><a name=""a""></a>Sample Text<br></body></html>") Dim a = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//a[@name=""a""]") Console.WriteLine(a

How to get inner text of an element in Selenium?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-21 23:02:36
问题 I have an element in DOM as <input type = "form-control" type="text" data-bind="textInput: EnterpriseId" disabled autocomplete="off"> This text box contains some text which does not reflect in this element tag. How do I get this value? Like, obviously, element.getText() does not work and return blank. So is there a way I can get the text? Any suggestions would be of great help. 回答1: try this WebElement element= driver.findElement("id value")); String val=element.getAttribute("innerText"

InnerText alternative in mozilla [duplicate]

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-18 07:40:29
问题 This question already has answers here : 'innerText' works in IE, but not in Firefox (15 answers) Closed 4 years ago . Does any one know innerText alternative of a span in mozilla? My span is <span id='cell1'></span> and the javascript is document.getElementById('cell1').innerText = 'Tenelol'; But Mozilla is not supporting this!! 回答1: innerText is a proprietary IE thing. The W3C defines textContent as the official property. An easy way is to exploit the || logical operator and its short

InnerText=InnerHtml - How to extract readable text with HtmlAgilityPack

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-13 19:50:30
问题 I need to extract text from a very bad Html. I'm trying to do this using and HtmlAgilityPack The tag that I need to parse has InnerText = InnerHtml and both: Name:<!--b>=</b--> Albert E<!--span-->instein s<!--i>Y</i-->ection: 3 room: - While debuging I can read it using "Html viewer": it shows: Name: Albert Einstein section: 3 room: - How can I get this into a string variable? EDIT: I use this code to get the node: Dim ElePs As HtmlNodeCollection = _ mWPage.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/

How to get innertext in an XML

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-11 16:45:44
问题 I have the following XML file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Comprobante version="2.2" serie="A" folio="35207" fecha="2013-05-31T11:51:48"> <Emisor rfc="" nombre="E"> <DomicilioFiscal calle="" noExterior="" colonia="" /> <ExpedidoEn calle="" noExterior="" colonia="" /> <RegimenFiscal Regimen="Regimen" /> </Emisor> <Receptor rfc="" nombre="Z"> <Domicilio calle="" noExterior="" colonia="" /> </Receptor> <Conceptos cantidad="1.000" unidad="COMISION" descripcion="PENDIENTE" valorUnitario

Need jQuery text() function to ignore hidden elements

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-11 01:15:35
问题 I have a div set up something like this: <div id="test"> <p>Hello</p> <p style="display: none">Goodbye</p> </div> EDIT: To clarify, this is the simplest example. The div could have any arbitrary number of n deep nested children. $('#test').getText() returns 'Hello Goodbye'. Here's a one liner to test in Firebug: jQuery('<div id="test"> <p>Hello</p> <p style="display: none">Goodbye</p> </div>').text() This seems to be because what jQuery uses internally, textContent (for non IE), returns

Replacing in inner Text in open xml element?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-10 20:42:38
问题 I'm using open xml SDK 2.0 and i'm kind off new to this. I have actually created a quickpart (containg content control) in my word 2007 document named "hello.docx". Now I need to copy the quickpart into the other location of the same document named "hello.docx". I was very thank full for this post and same thing is posted on stack overflow forum for which i was very thank full :)...This post just deletes the

document.getElementById().innerText in Chrome

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-10 17:21:09
问题 Quick Cross Browser JS question, when setting the value of a textbox: document.getElementById("balanceText").innerText = "111"; and document.getElementById("balanceText").value = "111"; Both Work grand in IE, But they will not work in Chrome, FF, Opera or Safari. Is there an alternate method that will work in these browsers ? 回答1: All else being equal document.getElementById("balanceText").value = "111"; works fine in every significant* browser that supports JS. Make sure that you have one,

A better way to extract innerText around getSelection()

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-08 05:36:13
问题 I'm working on a Chrome extension that will extract a plain text url from a selection, but the selection will always be a fraction of the url, so I need to scan left and right. I basically need to extract 500 characters around the selection from innerText, since I don't want to parse html elements, and also don't want to re-assemble textContent's. Here's what I have so far, it's working quite well, but I feel there's a better way that doesn't modify the document object and then restore it