Prepared statement caching issue in Cassandra Csharp driver

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-01 21:50:25

As a simple workaround, I am skipping the cache by using the DoNotPrepare

await _mapper.DeleteAsync<Foo>(Cql.New("WHERE id = ?", key).WithOptions(opt => opt.DoNotPrepare()));

I also found an open issue with Datastax

There is an open ticket to fix this behaviour.

As a workaround, you can use a different MappingConfiguration instances when creating the Mapper:

ISession session1 = cluster.Connect("ks1");
ISession session2 = cluster.Connect("ks2");

IMapper mapper1 = new Mapper(session1, new MappingConfiguration());
IMapper mapper2 = new Mapper(session2, new MappingConfiguration());

Or, you can reuse a single ISession instance and fully-qualify your queries to include the keyspace.

   new Map<Foo>()
   new Map<Bar>()

ISession session = cluster.Connect();
IMapper mapper = new Mapper(session);