Hide a base class method in a generic derived class

孤人 提交于 2019-12-01 21:05:20

but if he creates a Foo<int> object called "fooInt", he can only call the Do method of the derived class.

No, that's not true. If the declared type of the variable is FooBase, it will still call the FooBase method. You're not really preventing access to FooBase.Do - you're just hiding it.

FooBase foo = new Foo<int>();
foo.Do(5); // This will still call FooBase.Do

Full sample code to show that:

using System;

class FooBase
    public bool Do(int p) { return false; }

class Foo<T> : FooBase
    public bool Do(T p) { return true; }

class Test
    static void Main()
        FooBase foo1 = new Foo<int>();
        Console.WriteLine(foo1.Do(10)); // False

        Foo<int> foo2 = new Foo<int>();
        Console.WriteLine(foo2.Do(10)); // True

That's why I want to hide the Do method of the FooBase in Foo.

You need to think about Liskov's Substitutability Principle.

Either Foo<T> shouldn't derive from FooBase (use composition instead of inheritance) or FooBase.Do shouldn't be visible (e.g. make it protected).

You could build a base class that is abstract with a protected Do method, and rewrite your current FooBase class to inherit from Foo<T>:

public abstract class FooBaseAbstract
    protected bool Do(int p)
        return true;

// You can use this one just as your current FooBase class
public class FooBase : Foo<int>

public class Foo<T> : FooBaseAbstract
    public bool Do(T p)
        if (true /* some test here */)
            return base.Do(4);

        return false;

(of course change the class names)
