MySQL Pass table name to cursor select

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-01 00:21:55

I believe you cannot do it in this manner.

In order to achieve this, you should use Dynamic SQL.

Note that you cannot open a cursor using Dynamic SQL either. But in your case, there seems to be no need for a cursor.

If i understand your code correctly, you can just use user variables and probably achieve what you are trying to do using 2 Dynamically prepared statements.

  SET @stmt_text=CONCAT("SELECT @score = SUM(`score`), @maxscore=SUM(`maxscore`) FROM ",                
                         answertable, "WHERE `idParticipation`= ",  partid);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @stmt_text;
  EXECUTE stmt USING @a;

And then you update the values using the below statement

  SET @stmt_text=CONCAT("UPDATE", participationtable, " SET `score`=@score,  
                      `maxscore`=@maxscore WHERE `idParticipation`=", partid);

  PREPARE stmt FROM @stmt_text;
  EXECUTE stmt USING @a;


Note: Please check the syntax. I cannot test it to verify it exactly but i hope you get the idea.
