UIAxes' YLim property cannot be listened to

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-11-30 22:53:53

We should attach the listener to the internal Axes object, and not the UIAxes itself. Try this:

hFig = uifigure();
hAx = uiaxes(hFig);
addlistener(struct(hAx).Axes, 'YLim', 'PostSet', @(src, evnt)disp("YLim changed"));
hAx.YLim = [0 2];

In case anybody is wondering, I found this via trial and error.

Tested on R2018a & R2018b.

Thank you so much for this solution! I was having a real problem with zooming in on 3D data on a UIAxes. The 3D axes contained a .png background raster map at z=0 (plotted as a surface) and the 3D position of a UAV flight in x-y-x. When I would zoom in, the z would zoom as well and the new z limits would exclude the map I wanted always displayed. What was odd, is that setting

app.UIAxes2.Interactions = [zoomInteraction('Dimensions','xy')];

would correct the problem when zooming with the scroll wheel on my mouse, but if I selected the zoom toolbar button (clicking to zoom), it would still zoom in z. Really frustrating.

To get around this, I used your example, but added the listener to the 'ZLim' and made a callback function that would look at all the elements of the plot, and reset ZLim to include all the data whenever the ZLim changed.

addlistener(struct(app.UIAxes2).Axes, 'ZLim', 'PostSet', @(src,evnt)mapholdaltlims(app,app.UIAxes2));

    function [inclusivezlim] = mapholdaltlims(app,ax)
        objwithz = findobj(app.UIAxes2.Children,'-property','ZData');
        currmin_z = 0;
        currmax_z = 0;
        for i = 1:length(objwithz)
            currmin_z = min([min(min(objwithz(i).ZData)), currmin_z]);%Need double mins because data could be 2d surface
            currmax_z = max([max(max(objwithz(i).ZData)), currmax_z]);
        inclusivezlim = [currmin_z currmax_z];
        ax.ZLim = inclusivezlim;
        %disp('Updated the limits')

Man, what a pain this was. I am glad it now works. Thanks again.
