Java connect to Cloud SQL 2nd Gen from Appengine Managed VM

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-11-30 16:12:54


Trying to setup connection to Clond SQL 2nd Generation for a Java Appengine with Managed VM.

What I got:

  • VM is using Appengine Compat mode (FROM
  • I see a MySQL pipe on the host (SSHed, I can see /cloudsql/** socket), but default MySQL Java driver doesnt support unix sockets
  • Google Driver seems to be unsupported on Managed VM (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.GoogleDriver)
  • and I cannot connect to MySQL by IP
    • w/o driver it's No suitable driver found for jdbc:google:mysql://__IP__:3306/__db__
    • or timeout for jdbc:mysql://__IP__:3306/__db__ (I've added MVM external IP to authorized networks on MySQL)
    • but what interesting, I can connect to this port from MVM machine, at least port is opened. Anyway, I don't like idea of connecting through publicly open IP:PORT. MVM have a new IP each time, so I even can't add a Firewall rule to specify access from my project only

How I should configure ManagedVM app to connect to Cloud SQL?


I am having trouble launching a Managed VM App using Java so I can't try it out for myself right now, but it looks like you should be able to leverage this library to connect to a Unix Socket from Java. There's an example in which you'd just have to change the path of the socket:

props.put("junixsocket.file", "/cloudsql/project-id:region:instance-id");

Where project-id is your project name, region is the region in which your Cloud SQL instance lives (e.g. us-east1) and instance-id is the name of your cloud-sql instance. The string will be in the properties of your Second Generation instance under "Instance connection name".


We have a new Java library for connecting to Cloud SQL instances from Managed VMs and other environments:

It's still very new so the usual caveats apply, but we haven't found any issues in our testing.


Best way I found is to configure SSL connection from ManagedVM

There two things you should do.

First, prepare Java Keystore with SSL you'll get from Cloud SQL console (files server-ca.pem, client-cert.pem and client-key.pem):

echo '---------- GENERATE TrustStore'
keytool -import -alias mysqlCACert -file server-ca.pem -keystore truststore -storepass 123456

echo '---------- GENERATE KeyStore'
openssl pkcs12 -export -in client-cert.pem -inkey client-key.pem \
    -out client.p12 -name clientalias -CAfile server-ca.pem -caname root
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass 123456 -destkeystore keystore \
    -srckeystore client.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass 123456 -alias clientalias

You'll get two files: truststore and keystore that you'll need to put into your target VM.

Second, you should use custom Dockerfile, with files from previous step:


RUN mkdir /keys
ADD keystore /keys/
ADD truststore /keys/

ADD .  /app/

And, of course, don't forget to tell MySQL driver to always use SSL:


PS Notice, I'm using password 123456 to protect my keys. It's just example. Don't use it in your project. It's already taken.

