What is a good unix alternative to DDD (Data Display Debugger)? [closed]

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-11-30 10:45:50


I am developing c on linux using vim and debugging using ddd. However I find that ddd performs very poorly at scrolling on this machine so its sometimes very frustrating to use.

I like the way that ddd maps fairly closely to the gdb command set as this means I am free to use gdb commands when I choose, but using gdb itself is not an option as it does not do a great job of displaying the source.

Can anybody suggest a decent alternative to ddd? I am not looking for an IDE, merely a reasonably well implemented gui facade to gdb that is free software.


KDbg (http://www.kdbg.org/)


I use Eclipse CDT in my daily basis as well as Visual Studio and it is very good tool, as good as Visual Studio. It uses all the Eclipse infrastructure to create a very good gdb graphical interface. Is like debugging Java but with C++.

If you don't want to generate eclipse projects just for debugging because you still want to use vim as an editor you might want to know that Cmake has eclipse project generator. Some links that might help you regarding this issue: 1, 2, 3


Well I tend to use either cgdb, kgdb or ddd. (and since you can't use ddd...)

cgdb is almost like the normal gdb but it shows the code in a split window above.

  • http://cgdb.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php


Have you looked at the Emacs GDB integration? It's quite good, once you work out how to use it. Here's a screenshot: http://p.blog.csdn.net/images/p_blog_csdn_net/ariesjzj/pic3.jpg.

Alternatively, there's Eclipse. It's very pretty, and seems pretty comprehensive but I haven't used it much.

Failing that, I just use GDB in TUI mode (type 'layout next' lots of times until the display looks 'prettier').

I actually really miss Visual Studio now that I'm stuck developing for Linux and embedded systems.


You might like: insight - Redhat's debugger based on gdb

These tools also have gui's:

Sun Studio Debugger

I haven't used the Sun Studio Debugger in a while, but it used to have it's own version of gvim and emacs where you could actually set breakpoints by clicking next to the source code.

Intel Debugger

And I think Eclipse has debugger integration.

And I think that most of these tools are still free, but not necessarily open source.


you could try xxgdb but it's very old, i don't even know if it's still mantained


Unfortunately I haven't tried anything but GDB and DDD, but there's a list of GDB front-ends on Wikipedia, including KDbg and xxgdb as recommended by others, but several more. Perhaps one of those will work for you while still giving you the ability to use GDB commands when you want to. In particular, it lists Clewn (I keep meaning to try that out), which uses GVim as a front-end as well as cgdb, which runs in the terminal (using ncurses), has vi-style keys and shows syntax-highlighted source.


Don't give up on DDD completely. I agree that the interface needs a major overhaul, but there were some rumblings back in 2007 for a GTK overhaul.

Also, keep an eye on this as well.



gdbgui is a browser-based frontend to gdb, the gnu debugger. You can add breakpoints, view stack traces, and more in C, C++, Go, and Rust!

It's perfect for beginners and experts. Simply run gdbgui from the terminal to start the gdbgui server, and a new tab will open in your browser.

