The tool for visual programming

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-11-30 05:51:08

What about using something like Graphviz?

Check out Microsoft DSL Tools -

It is a "designer generator" - allows you to define your own diagram format, specify shapes, arrows, colors, etc. and generates a designer for you that is able to edit such diagrams and export any textual artifacts about your diagram (e.g. XML or code).


Warning: Shameless plug

Seen Memention Designer?

It's built around a configurable engine and can output in almost any language.

But, I'm sorry. It's not really free.


Above example exports following c-code, but could with some re-configuration generate some else language.

#include <stdio.h>

/* there are 8 blocks */
int running;
/* there are 1 out blocks */
int state_curr_1;
int state_next_1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  running = 1;
  state_curr_1 = 0;
  while (running) {
    state_next_1 = (state_curr_1 + 19);
    running = (state_curr_1 != (19 * 12));
    state_curr_1 = state_next_1;
    printf("out = %d\n", state_curr_1);
  return 0;

What abou using the .net and WPF based library TUM.CMS.VPLControl?
