How can I programmatically add a space to mission control?

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-11-30 01:01:26


I want to create a new space (and also be able to delete it later), without having to go through the standard misson control gui. Is there any way to do this programmatically? Either via terminal commands, applescript or some cocoa?


There is on preference plist in ~/Library/Preferences path named as

There You have to add two keys.

Open the plist and I hope you will get to know it.


From the GUI...

...just in case someone finds this via Google

It’s a cinch: when you’re in Mission Control...

  1. move your cursor to the upper right corner of the screen
  2. click the New Desktop tab that slides out from the edge of the screen

Note:If your Dock is on the right, you can access the New Desktop tab from the upper left corner instead.

In Mavericks, Applescript to create a new Space in Mission Control

delay 0.5 -- time to release command if the script is run with command-R
tell application "System Events"
    key code 126 using control down -- control-up
    delay 1
    do shell script "MouseTools -x 1900 -y 60;sleep 1;MouseTools -leftClickNoRelease;MouseTools -releaseMouse"
    key code 53 -- escape
end tell

