Implementing a High Pass filter to an audio signal

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-11-29 08:17:25

here is the class I convert to java from a library I found in c#. I use it and it work great. you can use this class for low pass filter too

public class Filter {

/// <summary>
/// rez amount, from sqrt(2) to ~ 0.1
/// </summary>
private float resonance;

private float frequency;
private int sampleRate;
private PassType passType;

public float value;

private float c, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2;

/// <summary>
/// Array of input values, latest are in front
/// </summary>
private float[] inputHistory = new float[2];

/// <summary>
/// Array of output values, latest are in front
/// </summary>
private float[] outputHistory = new float[3];

public Filter(float frequency, int sampleRate, PassType passType, float resonance)
    this.resonance = resonance;
    this.frequency = frequency;
    this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
    this.passType = passType;

    switch (passType)
        case Lowpass:
            c = 1.0f / (float)Math.tan(Math.PI * frequency / sampleRate);
            a1 = 1.0f / (1.0f + resonance * c + c * c);
            a2 = 2f * a1;
            a3 = a1;
            b1 = 2.0f * (1.0f - c * c) * a1;
            b2 = (1.0f - resonance * c + c * c) * a1;
        case Highpass:
            c = (float)Math.tan(Math.PI * frequency / sampleRate);
            a1 = 1.0f / (1.0f + resonance * c + c * c);
            a2 = -2f * a1;
            a3 = a1;
            b1 = 2.0f * (c * c - 1.0f) * a1;
            b2 = (1.0f - resonance * c + c * c) * a1;

public enum PassType

public void Update(float newInput)
    float newOutput = a1 * newInput + a2 * this.inputHistory[0] + a3 * this.inputHistory[1] - b1 * this.outputHistory[0] - b2 * this.outputHistory[1];

    this.inputHistory[1] = this.inputHistory[0];
    this.inputHistory[0] = newInput;

    this.outputHistory[2] = this.outputHistory[1];
    this.outputHistory[1] = this.outputHistory[0];
    this.outputHistory[0] = newOutput;

public float getValue()
    return this.outputHistory[0];


and this is how I use this

    Filter filter = new Filter(15000,44100, Filter.PassType.Highpass,1);
    for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
        floatArray[i] = filter.getValue();

after you got floatArray's fft, you see it is filtered. Hope it helps
