Automatically include view parameters in URL

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-11-29 02:19:00

As to the 1st question: you can add includeViewParams=true to the navigation case outcome. But you can never guarantee that you'll sucessfully be redirected while you're doing that inside a preRenderView method. It might be already too late then.

As to the 2nd question: you can set the includeViewParams attribute of <h:link> to true.

<h:link value="clickme" includeViewParams="true">
    <f:param name="param3" value="otherValue"/>

Alternatively, you can also add includeViewParams=true to the outcome.

<h:link value="clickme" outcome="otherPage?includeViewParams=true">
    <f:param name="param3" value="otherValue"/>