Connect Bluestacks to Android Studio

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-28 03:28:26
K Tarun

Steps to connect Blue Stack with Android Studio

  1. Close Android Studio.
  2. Go to adb.exe location (default location: %LocalAppData%\Android\sdk\platform-tools)
  3. Run adb connect localhost:5555 from this location.
  4. Start Android Studio and you will get Blue Stack as emulator when you run your app.

In my case I didn't needed start adb.exe. I only started the BlueStacks before android studio.

After that when I press "Run" in android studio, bluestacks is detected as a new emulator.


I Solved it. I just had to add the path of android studio's platform-tools after removing my earlier eclipse's path. I don't know, maybe some conflict in the command.

world !

No need to do execute batch command. With the current version, just run BLUESTACKS before ANDROID STUDIO

For those people with (cannot connect to localhost:5555: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (10061) :

Blustacks is listening at IPv4-Localhost-TCP-5555 (not IPv6). Most of the time Windows has IPv6 enabled by default and Localhost is solving ::1:

If the client (ADB) tries to connect a server using localhost and IPv6 is enabled on the main network adapter, ADB will not connect to the server.

So, you have two options :

1- Change your ADB client TCP connection string to localhost IPV4 : adb connect

OR :

2-Disable IPV6 protocol from the main network adapter.
