dynamically add rows to rhandsontable in shiny and R

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-18 15:57:10


I'm trying to create an app which ultimately needs the mean and sd of a protein's concentration on the log scale. Since the log-scale values are almost never reported, I've found references which allow me to approximate log-scale using commonly available data (the mean + sd, median + range, median + IQR, 5 point summary, etc.).

Users will enter the data using a table currently implemented using rhandsontable until I've added enough error handling to accommodate CSV files, and I want to limit the columns displayed in this table so that it's not overwhelming. This I have done, as can be seen from the following reproducible example.


make_DF <- function(n) {
  DF <- data_frame(
    entry = 1:n,
    protein = NA_character_,
    MW = NA_real_,
    n = NA_integer_,
    mean = NA_real_,
    sd = NA_real_,
    se = NA_real_,
    min = NA_real_,
    q1 = NA_real_,
    median = NA_real_,
    q3 = NA_real_,
    max = NA_real_,
    log_mean = NA_real_,
    log_sd = NA_real_,
    log_min = NA_real_,
    log_q1 = NA_real_,
    log_median = NA_real_,
    log_q3 = NA_real_,
    log_max = NA_real_,
    units = factor("ng/mL", levels  = c("pg/mL", "ng/mL", 'mcg/mL', 'mg/mL', 'g/mL')

ui <- fluidPage(
        "The data consists of",
        c("Mean and standard deviation" = "mean_sd",
          "Mean and standard error" = "mean_se",
          "Mean and standard deviation (log scale)" = "log_mean_sd",
          "Mean and standard error (log scale)" = "log_mean_se",
          "Median, min, and max" =  "median_range",
          "Median, Q1, and Q3" = 'median_iqr',
          "Five point summary" = 'five_point'
          # "Other combination" = 'other')
      # p("Please note that selecting 'other' may result in invalid combinations."),
      # titlePanel("Number of Entries"),
        "Number of Concentrations to estimate:",
        value = 1,
        min = 1),
      actionButton("update_table", "Update Table")
    rHandsontableOutput("input_data") )

server <- function(input, output) {
  # create or update the data frame by adding some rows
  DF <- eventReactive(input$update_table, {
    DF_new <- make_DF(input$n_entries)

    # if a table does not already exist, this is our DF
    if (input$update_table == 1) {
    } else { # otherwise, we will append the new data frame to the old.

      tmp_df <- hot_to_r(input$input_data)
      return(rbind(tmp_df, DF_new))

  # determine which variables to show based on user input
  shown_variables <- eventReactive(input$update_table, {
    unique(unlist(lapply(input$data_format, function(x) {
        "mean_sd" = c('mean', 'sd'),
        "mean_se" = c('mean', 'se'),
        'log_mean_sd' = c("log_mean", 'log_sd'),
        "log_mean_se" = c('log_mean', 'log_se'),
        "median_range" = c('median','min', 'max'),
        'median_IQR' = c("median", 'q1','q3'),
        "five_point" = c('median', 'min', 'q1', 'q3', 'max'))

  # # finally, set up table for data entry
  observeEvent(input$update_table, {
    DF_shown <- DF()[c('protein', 'MW', 'n', shown_variables(), "units")]
    output$test_output <- renderTable(DF())
    output$input_data <- renderRHandsontable({rhandsontable(DF_shown)})

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I also want to be able to dynamically change which fields are displayed without losing data. For example, suppose the user enters data for 5 proteins where the mean and sd are available. Then, the user has 3 more where the median and range are reported. If the user deselects mean/sd when median/range are selected, the current working code will lose the mean and standard deviation. In the context of what I'm doing now, that means I need to effectively perform an rbind using DF() and the newly requested rows. This is giving me errors:

# infinite loop error
server <- function(input, output) {
  # create or update the data frame by adding some rows
  DF <- eventReactive(input$update_table, {
    DF_new <- make_DF(input$n_entries)

    # if a table does not already exist, this is our DF
    if (input$update_table == 1) {
    } else { # otherwise, we will append the new data frame to the old.

      tmp_df <- hot_to_r(input$input_data)
      return(rbind(DF(), DF_new))

  # determine which variables to show based on user input
  shown_variables <- eventReactive(input$update_table, {
    unique(unlist(lapply(input$data_format, function(x) {
        "mean_sd" = c('mean', 'sd'),
        "mean_se" = c('mean', 'se'),
        'log_mean_sd' = c("log_mean", 'log_sd'),
        "log_mean_se" = c('log_mean', 'log_se'),
        "median_range" = c('median','min', 'max'),
        'median_IQR' = c("median", 'q1','q3'),
        "five_point" = c('median', 'min', 'q1', 'q3', 'max'))

  # # finally, set up table for data entry
  observeEvent(input$update_table, {
    DF_shown <- DF()[c('protein', 'MW', 'n', shown_variables(), "units")]
    output$test_output <- renderTable(DF())
    output$input_data <- renderRHandsontable({rhandsontable(DF_shown)})

I've seen other individuals with similar issues (e.g. Append a reactive data frame in shiny R), but there doesn't appear to be an accepted answer yet. Any ideas on solutions or work-arounds? I'm open to any ideas that allow users to limit which fields are visible, but keep all entered data whether or not it is actually displayed.


Thanks to Joe Cheng and Hao Wu and their answers on github (https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/2083), the solution is to use the reactiveValues function to store the data frame. As I understand their explanation, the problem is occurring because (unlike traditional data frames), the reactive data frame DF() never finishes calculating.

Here's a working solution to the based on their answers:


make_DF <- function(n) {
  DF <- data_frame(
    entry = 1:n,
    protein = NA_character_,
    MW = NA_real_,
    n = NA_integer_,
    mean = NA_real_,
    sd = NA_real_,
    se = NA_real_,
    min = NA_real_,
    q1 = NA_real_,
    median = NA_real_,
    q3 = NA_real_,
    max = NA_real_,
    log_mean = NA_real_,
    log_sd = NA_real_,
    log_min = NA_real_,
    log_q1 = NA_real_,
    log_median = NA_real_,
    log_q3 = NA_real_,
    log_max = NA_real_,
    units = factor("ng/mL", levels  = c("pg/mL", "ng/mL", 'mcg/mL', 'mg/mL', 'g/mL')

ui <- fluidPage(
          "The data consists of",
          c("Mean and standard deviation" = "mean_sd",
            "Mean and standard error" = "mean_se",
            "Mean and standard deviation (log scale)" = "log_mean_sd",
            "Mean and standard error (log scale)" = "log_mean_se",
            "Median, min, and max" =  "median_range",
            "Median, Q1, and Q3" = 'median_iqr',
            "Five point summary" = 'five_point'
            # "Other combination" = 'other')
        # p("Please note that selecting 'other' may result in invalid combinations."),
        # titlePanel("Number of Entries"),
          "Number of Concentrations to estimate:",
          value = 1,
          min = 1),
        actionButton("update_table", "Update Table")
      rHandsontableOutput("input_data") )

server <- function(input, output) {
  # create or update the data frame by adding some rows
  values <- reactiveValues()

  observeEvent(input$update_table, {

    # determine which variables to show based on user input
    values$shown_variables <- unique(unlist(lapply(input$data_format, function(x) {
        "mean_sd" = c('mean', 'sd'),
        "mean_se" = c('mean', 'se'),
        'log_mean_sd' = c("log_mean", 'log_sd'),
        "log_mean_se" = c('log_mean', 'log_se'),
        "median_range" = c('median','min', 'max'),
        'median_IQR' = c("median", 'q1','q3'),
        "five_point" = c('median', 'min', 'q1', 'q3', 'max'))

    # if a table does not already exist, this is our DF
    if (input$update_table == 1) {
      values$df <- make_DF(input$n_entries)
    } else { # otherwise,  append the new data frame to the old.
      tmp_data <- hot_to_r(input$input_data)
      values$df[,names(tmp_data)] <- tmp_data

      values$df <- bind_rows(values$df, make_DF(input$n_entries))

    # finally, set up table for data entry
    DF_shown <- values$df[c('protein', 'MW', 'n', values$shown_variables, "units")]
    output$test_output <- renderTable(values$df)
    output$input_data <- renderRHandsontable({rhandsontable(DF_shown)})


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

