Disable Cut and Copy in context menu in Monaco editor

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-02-16 18:53:06


I am using monaco-editor, i see that cut and copy is added in the context menu in later versions. i want to remove these two options from context menu. Please let me know how can i achieve it?


Hide individual items with CSS

I tried this code in the browser and it worked.

// Hide from cut on
.context-view li.action-item:nth-child(n + 9) {
    display: none !important;

// Show command palette
.context-view li.action-item:last-child {
  display: flex !important;

Disable the entire menu with API

monacoOptions = {
  // other options
  contextmenu: false

See Docs on IEditorConstructionOptions > contextmenu


Full Code

import * as actions from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/platform/actions/common/actions";

let menus = actions.MenuRegistry._menuItems
let contextMenuEntry = [...menus].find(entry => entry[0]._debugName == "EditorContext")
let contextMenuLinks = contextMenuEntry[1]

let removableIds = ["editor.action.clipboardCopyAction", "editor.action.clipboardPasteAction"]

let removeById = (list, ids) => {
  let node = list._first
  do {
    let shouldRemove = ids.includes(node.element?.command?.id)
    if (shouldRemove) { list._remove(node) }
  } while ((node = node.next))

removeById(contextMenuLinks, removableIds)


You can access the available menu functions from MenuRegistry inside actions.js:

import * as actions from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/platform/actions/common/actions"
let menus = actions.MenuRegistry._menuItems

This will provide a list of all menu types: i.e.
["MenubarEditMenu", "CommandPalette", "EditorContext", ...]

To access and modify the context menu specifically, we can find it in the menu map:

let contextMenuEntry = [...menus].find(entry => entry[0]._debugName == "EditorContext")
let contextMenuLinks = contextMenuEntry[1]

The menu items are of type LinkedList, where each node contains an element and a reference to the prev and next node, but it comes with some utility methods that make it easier to reason about.

So if you want to list all commands, you can do this:

let allCommandIds = [...contextMenuLinks].map(el => el.command?.id)

Using that, identify the list of commands you want to pluck out ahead of time - in our case:

let removableIds = [

Next we need to identify and remove the nodes with those ids. The iterator returns the node.element, but the _remove() function takes in the entire node, so we'll have to iterate a little different than before. Here's a function that loops through all nodes and removes each if

We'll then get all the nodes we want to remove:

let removeById = (list, ids) => {
  let node = list._first;
  do {
    let shouldRemove = ids.includes(node.element?.command?.id)
    if (shouldRemove) { list._remove(node) }
  } while ((node = node.next))

And then call like this:

removeById(contextMenuLinks, removableIds)


Further Reading

  • Remove 'context menu' items (not CSS) #1567
  • How can I customize context menu? I want to delete 'Go to definition' #1280
  • How to hide the “Command Palette” item from the list of actions in Monaco Editor
  • How do I remove options from the contextmenu for monaco-editor?

