
Initialising my Lexer throws an error in Antlr4

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-12 05:30:06
问题 Hi Team, I'm new to Antlr and I have spent 4 days trying to learn, install, run tutorials and integrate with my IDE. :( I can run this [tutorial][1] in the Terminal successfully. My goal now is to run the same tutorial in Netbeans with AntlrWorks2 I have cannibalised the Main from [Here][2]. The code compiles, but when I run I get an "java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError" from init of the Lexer. 1: 2: http://www.certpal

Token recognition error: antlr

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-10 15:25:39
问题 I have an ANTLR 4 grammar: grammar Test; start : NonZeroDigit '.' Digit Digit? EOF ; DOT : '.' ; PLUS : '+' ; MINUS : '-' ; COLON : ':' ; COMMA : ',' ; QUOTE : '\"' ; EQUALS : '=' ; SEMICOLON : ';' ; UNDERLINE : '_' ; BACKSLASH : '\\' ; SINGLEQUOTE : '\'' ; RESULT_TYPE_NONE : 'NONE' ; RESULT_TYPE_RESULT : 'RESULT' ; RESULT_TYPE_RESULT_SET : 'RESULT_SET' ; TYPE_INT : 'Int' ; TYPE_LONG : 'Long' ; TYPE_BOOL : 'Bool' ; TYPE_DATE : 'Date' ; TYPE_DOUBLE : 'Double' ; TYPE_STRING : 'String' ; TYPE