
How to capture data change in yugabyte db?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-11 13:32:08
问题 terminal 1: postgres=# \c yugastore You are now connected to database "yugastore" as user "postgres". yugastore=# select count(*) from yugastore.users; count ------- 2500 (1 row) yugastore=# delete from yugastore.users; DELETE 2500 (After starting insertion script at terminal 2) yugastore=# select count(*) from yugastore.users; ERROR: Query error: Restart read required at: { read: { physical: 1580057095845877 } local_limit: { physical: 1580057095880226 } global_limit: <min> in_txn_limit: <max

How to run yugabyte-db yugastore application locally?

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-16 10:33:15
问题 I am using yugabyte-db-1.3.0 and am trying to run yugabyte e-commerce example application, yugastore locally on CentOS7 by following instructions in its README.md, as follows: a) downloaded and extracted application, yugastore to /var/www/html/yugastore b) ./bin/yb-ctl start c) cd /var/www/html/yugastore c) yum install -y nodejs d) npm install cassandra-driver e) npm install redis f) npm install async g) ./bin/yb-ctl setup_redis h) npm install i) npm install --save core-js@^3 j) npm start I

How to run yugabyte-db yugastore application locally?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-01-16 10:33:00
问题 I am using yugabyte-db-1.3.0 and am trying to run yugabyte e-commerce example application, yugastore locally on CentOS7 by following instructions in its README.md, as follows: a) downloaded and extracted application, yugastore to /var/www/html/yugastore b) ./bin/yb-ctl start c) cd /var/www/html/yugastore c) yum install -y nodejs d) npm install cassandra-driver e) npm install redis f) npm install async g) ./bin/yb-ctl setup_redis h) npm install i) npm install --save core-js@^3 j) npm start I

How to run yugabyte-db yugastore application locally?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-01-16 10:31:49
问题 I am using yugabyte-db-1.3.0 and am trying to run yugabyte e-commerce example application, yugastore locally on CentOS7 by following instructions in its README.md, as follows: a) downloaded and extracted application, yugastore to /var/www/html/yugastore b) ./bin/yb-ctl start c) cd /var/www/html/yugastore c) yum install -y nodejs d) npm install cassandra-driver e) npm install redis f) npm install async g) ./bin/yb-ctl setup_redis h) npm install i) npm install --save core-js@^3 j) npm start I

How to install yugabyte- on centos7?

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-24 19:31:37
问题 environment: os: centos7.6 kernel: 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64 gcc version 4.8.5 Python 2.7.5 ip: host name: srvr0 fqdn:srvr0.example.org I am trying to install yugabyte, as follows: a) downloaded yugabyte- b) extracted to /opt/yugabyte c) added loopback addresses,,,,, to interface lo d) opened ports 7000, 9000, 7100, 5433, 9042, 6379 e) run /opt/yugabyte/yugabyte- f) run