How can I include the Telegram login widget in an Angular app?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-02-10 17:50:41


I want to include the Telegram login widget in my Angular application. For this, you have to include the following script:

<script async src=""
  data-telegram-login="bot_name" data-size="large"

Embedding scripts in Angular templates is not allowed, it will just be removed. (However, it is possible to include a script tag via this hack.)

Is there a non-hacky way of including this widget?


Not rendering script tags in template code is indeed a design choice from Angular team.

The way to do it is thus:

  1. Add your scripts to index.html - only relevant if it makes sense to load the script globally.
  2. Or Add your script programmatically. The post you refer to can be a solution, but brings in additional complication because it takes the input data from template code. A shorter solution is given here, when you're happy with inputing the parameters from the code-side (and the full issue is instructive too): Github issue #4903. Warning though: adding to the head is not suitable unless you remove it in OnDestroy. Prefer adding in the right DOM element of your component.


I created the following component for the Telegram login widget:

The component creates the script tag dynamically and adds the callback function loginViaTelegram(user):

  selector: 'app-telegram-login-widget',
  template: `    
<div #script style.display="none">
  styleUrls: ['./telegram-login-widget.component.css']
export class TelegramLoginWidgetComponent implements AfterViewInit {

  @ViewChild('script', {static: true}) script: ElementRef;

  convertToScript() {
    const element = this.script.nativeElement;
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = '';
    script.setAttribute('data-telegram-login', environment.telegramBotName);
    script.setAttribute('data-size', 'large');
    // Callback function in global scope
    script.setAttribute('data-onauth', 'loginViaTelegram(user)');
    script.setAttribute('data-request-access', 'write');
    element.parentElement.replaceChild(script, element);

  ngAfterViewInit() {


I added the callback function loginViaTelegram to the window object (global space) in a dedicated service:

  providedIn: 'root'
export class TelegramLoginService {    
  init() {
    window['loginViaTelegram'] = loginData => this.loginViaTelegram(loginData);

  private loginViaTelegram(loginData: TelegramLoginData) {
    // If the login should trigger view changes, run it within the NgZone. => process(loginRequest));

