How to bond/pair to a bluetooth LE device programmatically in swift Xcode?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-07 09:10:39


I am currently trying to develop and application that allows users to bond to a Peripheral via a click of a button and the password will be automatically entered.

Is it possible to Bond and Remove Bond programmatically using swift?


Pairing is initiated any time that you attempt to write to or read from a characteristic on the BLE device. However, if the device is not set to require authentication and/or bonding, you will not see the iOS popup which requests the PIN code.

I struggled with this with my HM-10 because I could write data to the characteristic using the Core Bluetooth (via Swift) function writeValue() without ever seeing the pairing popup.

I couldn't figure it out until I read the HM-10 (implements the IC cc2451) datasheet very closely and found that I needed to set the AT+TYPE to value 3. It defaults to 0 which means that the HM-10 does not require pairing/bonding so you never see the iOS popup.

You can read more about the details where I asked the question and ultimately found the solution and wrote it up: How do I pair and/or bond to BLE on iOS using Swift code and an HM-10 so data sent is encrypted?


Follow the step to connect Ble device into iOS Program.

1) Import

import CoreBluetooth

2) Declared the variables into the class or ViewController.

  let kServiceUART = CBUUID(string: "0x1800")
 var peripheralHeartRateMonitor: CBPeripheral?

var cbManger: CBCentralManager!

3) Initialize the cbManger into ViewDidLoad function of viewController or initalize function of class.

  cbManger = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: .main)

4) Override delegate method of the CBCentralManager .

 func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {

    switch central.state {
    case .unsupported:
        print("BLe Unsupported")
    case .unauthorized:
         print("BLe unauthorized")
    case .poweredOff:
        let alertMessgesInst = AlertMessages.sharedInstance
        CommonUtils.showAlert(alertMessgesInst.actofit_Title, message: alertMessgesInst.trun_On_blueTooth)
    case .poweredOn:

        if isNewFirmWareOFImpulse {

            let uuidString = StorageServices.readFromDefaults(key: Constants.userDefaultKeys.impulseUUID)
            let uuid = UUID(uuidString:uuidString as! String )
            let device =  cbManger.retrievePeripherals(withIdentifiers: [uuid!])
            peripheralHeartRateMonitor = device.first
            peripheralHeartRateMonitor!.delegate = self

        }else {

            let option:[String: Any] = [CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: NSNumber(value: false)]
            cbManger.scanForPeripherals(withServices: nil, options: option)

    case .unknown:
         print("BLe unknown")
    } // End Swith

} // End 'centralManagerDidUpdateState' function.
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber) {

    if isNewFirmWareOFImpulse {

        peripheralHeartRateMonitor = peripheral
        print("UUid of band is :- \(peripheralHeartRateMonitor?.identifier.uuidString)")

        if impulseName == {

            peripheralHeartRateMonitor!.delegate = self


            // STEP 6: connect to the discovered peripheral of interest

        } // End impulse condition

    }else {

        let keysArray = advertisementData.keys

        if let tempImpulseName = {
            print(impulseName + " and " + tempImpulseName )
            if impulseName == tempImpulseName {
                for key in keysArray {
                    if key == "kCBAdvDataManufacturerData"{
                        let manufactureData = advertisementData[key]
                        if let stringValue = manufactureData.debugDescription as? String {

                            var heartValue: String = String()
                            heartValue = stringValue
                            let last = heartValue.removeLast()
                            let secondLast = heartValue.removeLast()

                            let hR = String([secondLast, last])
                            if let value = UInt8(hR, radix: 16){

                                if Int(value) > 60 {

                            } // End the value block

                        } // end of if 'stringValue' condition
                    } // end 'Key' if condition

                } // End for each loop
            } // End impulse condition

        } // End pheripheral if condition

    } // end version condition

} // End function 'didDiscover peripheral'.

func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {

    // STEP 8: look for services of interest on peripheral


} // END func centralManager(... didConnect peripheral

func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices error: Error?) {
    if error != nil {

