js querySelectorAll not a valid selector despite it being like the docs example [duplicate]

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-05 09:15:06



Here, an attribute selector is used to return a list of the list items contained within a list whose ID is "userlist" which have a "data-active" attribute whose value is "1"

var container = document.querySelector("#userlist");
var matches = container.querySelectorAll("li[data-active=1]");

but when i try

var matches = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-id=7821549]');

i get:

DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document': 'div[data-id=7821549]' is not a valid selector.

this is the div im trying to get:

<div class="cell cell--event-list cell--odds js-event js-event-odds js-event-odds-7821549 js-event-status-finished" data-id="7821549">


The example selector "li[data-active=1]" throws a similar error on my Chromium browser as the attribute selector value is a number. Even simple numeric ID selectors (like #22) for valid HTML5 IDs do not work with querySelector method.

Wrapping the attribute selector's value with quotes solves the issue: 'div[data-id="7821549"]'

