How can I have single Vue component and how each contents in that can be routed by buttons of other component

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-01-29 22:41:23


I am new to Vuejs, I am looking to make my code effective just by having one vue component, and i want to specify the routing only once.

Currently i have one info.vue in a apps directive and prises.vue & priseshigh.vue in more directive. I want to have just one component in more directive. But the problem is in info.vue i have used two buttons, each button routes to prises.vue & priseshigh.vue respectively. Just like below code:

<vs-button class="btn"  @click="$router.push({name: 'prises'}).catch(err => {})" >Go To</vs-button>
<vs-button class="btn"  @click="$router.push({name: 'priseshigh'}).catch(err => {})" >Go There</vs-button>

My first question: So now i want to know, if i make one component as prisescomplete.vue by combining prises.vue & priseshigh.vue, how do i specify the routing to the buttons respectively in info.vue And what should i use in the prisescomplete.vue component to route the prises.vue & priseshigh.vue contents respectively .

My second question: below is my routing.js, so now what changes should i make in routing if i just have one component in views directive, and also with respect to first question.

          path: '/apps/info',
          name: 'info',
          component: () => import('./views/apps/info/Info.vue'),
          meta: {
            rule: 'editor',
            no_scroll: true
          path: '/apps/info/info-more/prises-card',
          name: 'prises',
          component: () => import('./views/apps/info/more/prises.vue'),
          meta: {
            pageTitle: 'info-more',
            rule: 'editor',
            no_scroll: true
          path: '/apps/info/info-more/priseshigh-card',
          name: 'priseshigh',
          component: () => import('./views/apps/info/more/priseshigh.vue'),
          meta: {
            pageTitle: 'info-more',
            rule: 'editor',
            no_scroll: true

Please send me the modified code, so that i can understand it easily.


You could pass props to route components.

    path: '/apps/info/info-more/prises-card',
    name: 'prises',
    component: () => import('./views/apps/info/more/prisescomplete.vue'),
    props: {
        prisesType: "prises"
     meta: {
            rule: 'editor'
    path: '/apps/info/info-more/priseshigh-card',
    name: 'priseshigh',
    component: () => import('./views/apps/info/more/prisescomplete.vue'),
    props: {
        prisesType: "priseshigh"
     meta: {
            rule: 'editor'


    <span v-if="prisesType === 'prises'"> Prises </span>
    <span v-else-if="prisesType === 'priseshigh'"> Prises High </span>

export default {
  name: "PrisesComplete",
  props: {
    prisesType: {
      type: String,
      required: true

Also, you could use to="/path"

<vs-button class="btn" :to="{ name: 'prises' }"> Go To </vs-button>
<vs-button class="btn" :to="{ name: 'priseshigh' }"> Go There </vs-button>


First of all you need to write a navigation.vue component for the navigation and render inside app with routerview. Look the codesandbox and the describtion


      @click="$router.push({ name: 'prises' }).catch((err) => {})"
      @click="$router.push({ name: 'priseshigh' }).catch((err) => {})"

then render the navigation bar with the router view for loading the router.Here is the App.vue where you render the navigation and routerview.

  <div id="app">

import TheNavigation from "./components/TheNavigation";

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {

RouterView is reponsible for loading the components which are defined inside router.js Here is the Router.js

import Vue from "vue";
import Router from "vue-router";

const router = new Router({
  mode: "history",
  routes: [
      path: "/prises-card",
      name: "prises",
      component: () => import("./components/Prises.vue"),
      meta: {
        pageTitle: "info-more",
        rule: "editor",
        no_scroll: true
      path: "/priseshigh-card",
      name: "priseshigh",
      component: () => import("./components/PrisesHigh.vue"),
      meta: {
        pageTitle: "info-more",
        rule: "editor",
        no_scroll: true

export default router;

