Laravel get last row value form many table in one to Many relationship

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-01-28 08:43:43


I am building an application which has a model with one to many relationship. In the model, the student table has one to many relationship with student address details. I want to retrieve the last row from address details table. I am stuck on how to retrieve that data. I could not work out from similar answer on this website.

My current solution is this

$students = Student::with('visaDetails', 'addresses', 'instituteDetails', 'subAgents',
            'staffDetails', 'commissionDetails', 'comments')->paginate(16);

        foreach ($students as $student){
            foreach ($student->addresses as $address){

My student model is as follow

class Student extends Model
    //One to Many relation to student address

    public function addresses(){
        return $this->hasMany('App\Model\Address');

But this solutions is not efficient as number of record grows exponentially. Also, I need to find last row for other many table as well.

If anybody could help me then it would be very nice.


To get latest record from address table for each student you can go with following self joined query

SELECT s.*, a.*
from students s
join address a on = a.student_id
left join address a1 on a.student_id = a1.student_id
and a.created_at < a1.created_at
where a1.student_id is null

I assume by latest means you need address with most recent created_at attribute.

Using query builder you might rewrite it as

DB::table('students as s')
  ->select('s.*', 'a.*')
  ->join('address as a', '', '=', 'a.student_id')
  ->leftJoin('address as a1', function ($join) {
        $join->on('a.student_id', '=', 'a1.student_id')
             ->whereRaw(DB::raw('a.created_at < a1.created_at'));

Laravel Eloquent select all rows with max created_at

Laravel - Get the last entry of each UID type

Laravel Eloquent group by most recent record


I created a package that allows you to limit the number of eager loading results per parent:

Use the HasEagerLimit trait in both the parent and the related model.

class Student extends Model {
    use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;

class Address extends Model {
    use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;

Then you can apply ->limit(1) to your relationship:

$students = Student::with([
    'addresses' => function($query) {
    'visaDetails', 'instituteDetails', 'subAgents',
    'staffDetails', 'commissionDetails', 'comments'

