Placeholder internet explorer 11 not showing

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-01-27 16:51:45


I have a problem with placeholders in IE 11 even though it says in compatibility table that IE 11 can show placeholders. I am not talking about focus on input. There are no placeholders also when I am not focused on input box.

IE Version: 11.0.9600

I have no css applied on the placeholders.

In other browsers placeholder is showing.

I tried also compatibility using meta tags, no change.

<input id="textinput" name="name" type="text" placeholder="Name" class="form-control input-md" /></input>


Okay folks, I just discovered that my lovely company has installed IE 11 but with forced IE 8 view - my god.

  • Nevertheless, I solved the problem with this jQuery script, now it is working.

whole code in the link

$(function(){$("input, textarea").placeholder()


I just answered this on another Stackoverflow question but maybe I can help people in this question too.

I had the same problem and found out that it was the setting of my CSS framework (Foundation) that put a height of 2.4375rem to all inputs... You need to override that! With something like

textarea {
    height: auto;


IE 11 will not display the placeholder if you focus on the input using JavaScript or normal User Interaction.

