How does WPF determine what property to set when setting the content of elements in XAML?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-01-27 14:16:57


I hope my title is clear....

What I mean is for exmaple when we define animation:



But if we defines same thing in code-behind, we could do:

DoubleAnimation myDAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();
StoryBoard myStoryBoard = new StoryBoard();

I tried to look into StoryBoard's class definition, nothing special:

public sealed class Storyboard : Timeline
        public Storyboard();

        // Summary:
        //     Gets the collection of child System.Windows.Media.Animation.Timeline objects.
        // Returns:
        //     The collection of child System.Windows.Media.Animation.Timeline objects.
        //     The default is an empty collection.
        public TimelineCollection Children { get; }

I know if I defines my own class with the above sytnax, in order to add into my Children, I would need to:



So how did the Xaml knows the DoubleAnimation is should add into StoryBoard's Children property? If I need to do the same thing, what do I need to declare?


There's an attribute for that: ContentPropertyAttribute

If you check the Syntax section of classes on MSDN you can see what properties will be set when specifying content. E.g. the ContentControl targets the Content property.


TimelineGroup an ancestor of Storyboard has the Children property and it also has the ContentPropertyAttribute which specifies the Children property as the content property.

