Firebase Admin SDK apply action code for email verification

戏子无情 提交于 2021-01-27 05:48:32


The Firebase Customize the Email Action Handler guide gives an example of verifying a user's email address on a custom URL to a site hosted through Firebase.

However, I want the custom URL to point to a Firebase cloud function endpoint URL and use admin SDK to verify the oob code instead. But there is no such function as applyActionCode for the admin.auth().

Is verifying email through a hosted site using javascript the only way to go? I don't really want to expose the code to the browser.


As of 3/8/2020, this applyActionCode is not part of the admin sdk. A kludge for this will be to verify the oobCode on the server/backend/cloud function using the rest api

How? since you customized the email action handler, assume it is pointed to an endpoint you have control over (e.g your domain/cloud function), then on the client side, you can obtain the url parameters (including the oobcode) in the url and send to your backend for verification using the REST API.

