Netlify does not recognize the URL params when using react-router-dom

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-01-21 16:01:37


I am creating a react app that uses react router. I am using the router to match the paths like :/bankName-:credit and it works fine in local development. The only require path for my application is :/bankName-:credit and every other path will hit 404. But when I deploy this app to netlify then for default it goes to / and shows a custom 404. That's all good. But now if I try to go to /hdfc-500 then it gives a netlify not found message that page not found.

I tried using _redirects as mentioned in the netlify docs but this does not work.

Here are my routes:-


<Route path='/:bankCode-:credit' component={NestedRoutes} />
<Route component={NotFound} />

Here is my NestedRoutes component:-

const NestedRoutes = ({ match }) => (
  <Suspense fallback={<LinearProgress />}>
      <Route exact path={`${match.path}/sc-generate`} component={SCGenerate} />
      <Route exact path='/:bankCode-:credit' component={Home} />
      <Route component={NotFound} />

I am using following code in my _redirects file:-

/* /:bankCode-:credit

But it try to match exactly with /:bankCode-:credit

What should I do to fix this?


I recreated your problem here

The solution is simple, add a file called _redirects to your public folder with this content

/* /index.html 200

You can find more information on this link.


I got this problem while passing url params in netlify and got solved by removing the "." before the href and src links in the index.html file inside the build folder.

