Using Timber and Shopify, how can I add meta fields on the ajax mini cart of timber?

三世轮回 提交于 2021-01-07 01:21:02


I’m using Timber in a Shopify theme.

I would look to add meta fields of the product on the cart. Cart screenshot here

The metafields are showing on product i would like to show that on Ajax mini cart too. product page screenshot

js code here

Let me know if its possible.


Here are a few examples on how you may access a product's metafields.

In the cart page though, because you don't have a direct access to the product object, you should first get access to the product object via the [line_item][2] object to be able to access the metafields, example:

{% for item in cart.items %}
  {{ item.product.metafields.key }}
{% endfor %}

And that should do the trick!

