npm install to get dependency with tag version

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-12-31 04:49:29



My project has dependency of "dep": "snapshot" where 'snapshot' is a tag. Running npm install does not fetch new version of "dep".

Full story:

So just recently I started with a JS project, and... to make a long story short i setup my own private repo via a locally installed Nexus. Let's call my project myProj1.

I added the Nexus registry in my .npmrc like so:


All is fine, I try and release snapshot versions before i release any production ready code. This includes running npm-snapshot X where X is my snapshot number. (It's basically a plugin that changes the package.json version tag to something like 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.24 (if X = 24)

I then run

npm publish --tag=snapshot --registry=http://nexus:8081/nexus/content/npm-internal

and it pushes the code to my Nexus, and all seems fine. The tag "snapshot" in my nexus registry is updated to the recently published version. (1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.24)

I then have another project which has a dependency on the above module in it's package.json specified as such:

"dependencies": {
    "myProj1": "snapshot"

So I run npm install in the project root, and lo' and behold, the dependency get's downloaded perfectly, everything is awesome!

Now here comes my issue:

I then decide to update some stuff in myProj1, making me release another snapshot version with the same command above. (causing the newly published artifact to be versioned 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.25) My Nexus is awesome and publishes the new dependency like it should, also updating the dist-tag "snapshot" to the newly built version.

HOWEVER, when i run npm install from my other project, believing I should be getting a newer version of myProj1, nothing happens. It doesn't fetch the newer snapshot version. Why's that?

Have I misunderstood having a dependency on a dist-tag? Can I do this some other way?


