Registering a generic abstract class in Castle Windsor

十年热恋 提交于 2020-12-04 08:14:22


I am trying to register a type by convention, I've simplified my case in this example:

public abstract class BaseEntity{}

public class EntityA : BaseEntity{}

public class EntityB : BaseEntity{}

public abstract class BaseClass

public abstract class GenericBaseClass<T> : BaseClass where T : BaseEntity

public class ConcreteA : GenericBaseClass<EntityA>

public class ConcreteB : GenericBaseClass<EntityB>

I'm trying to find the way to register GenericBaseClass to return ConcreteA when requesting for GenericBaseClass<EntityA>. When trying to resolve this, I get an exception saying something like:

Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type GenericBaseClass`1, key ""

If I change the definition of GenericBaseClass<T> from an abstract class to an interface, this registration code works:


However, I need to use an abstract class because I need to write code inside of it. I can register manually every ConcreteX class, but it wouldn't be very helpful.

I've tried with this:


Debugging, I can see the type is not added to the container.

I am using Castle Windsor 2.6.



This works:

                    .BasedOn(typeof (GenericBaseClass<>))

If you see types not being added to the container make sure you're scanning the right assembly (the one which contains implementation types, not the service types).

