Error when Unzipping / Extracting Spring Tools Suite downloaded Zip / Jar file

自作多情 提交于 2020-07-23 17:17:48


I downloaded the latest version of spring tools suite. It came in the form a zip / jar file which shows an error when i try to unzip it. It says there are insufficient files and it cannot unzip it and will be marked as corrupt.

I downloaded it 3 times and it shows the same error. Please help



When you download the zip file, instead of saving it on the computer, if you can open it, that might solve the problem. It happened with me too.


Even i had the same issue when i extract spring tools 4. Below are the steps i followed to fix the issue

Step 1: Downloaded Spring Tools 4 bundled jar from Spring Tools 4 Download

Step 2: Right click downloaded jar and extract using WinZip

Step 3: Now unzip the file using WinZip but it throws below error

Step 4: Here use 7Zip to extract contents zip instead of WinZip: Now it got extracted without any issue.

Step 5: Here we go, open SpringToolSuite4.ini and add below


Step 6: Thats it, open SpringToolSuite4.exe

Please note, you may use 7Zip for the steps wherever i mentioned WinZip.

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