AG-Grid - How to insert a line break into my cell data

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-07-09 04:11:13


I'm new to AG-Grid, so forgive me if this is a dumb question. We're using the OSS version of Ag-Grid in an Angular 5 application. I have a column where I am combining two sets of summary data and showing them. I would like to have a line-break between the two pieces of text.

Right now it's doing this:

"Summary One Summary Two"

I want it to do this:

"Summary One
Summary Two"

So far I've tried and HTML break tag, \r\n and just \n and nothing has worked. Is this possible to do?

Thanks, James


You can use cellRenderer to achieve this.

Have a look at below colDef.

  headerName: "Custom column", 
  cellRenderer: function(param){
    return + '<br/>' +;

You might need to set rowHeight in gridOptions as well.

Live example: Plunk

