
Using a button click event, destroy the ag-grid

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-20 15:30:22
问题 Using plain old javascript version of ag-grid. I would like to destroy the ag-grid that is in a div from a button click event. How do i destroy the grid? 回答1: There is a method named destory() . As per documentation: destroy() Gets the grid to destroy and release resources. If you are using Angular (version 1 or 2) you do not need to call this, as the grid links in with the AngularJS 1.x lifecycle. However if you are using Web Components or native Javascript, you do need to call this, to

Using a button click event, destroy the ag-grid

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-20 15:30:21
问题 Using plain old javascript version of ag-grid. I would like to destroy the ag-grid that is in a div from a button click event. How do i destroy the grid? 回答1: There is a method named destory() . As per documentation: destroy() Gets the grid to destroy and release resources. If you are using Angular (version 1 or 2) you do not need to call this, as the grid links in with the AngularJS 1.x lifecycle. However if you are using Web Components or native Javascript, you do need to call this, to

Using a button click event, destroy the ag-grid

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2021-02-20 15:29:18
问题 Using plain old javascript version of ag-grid. I would like to destroy the ag-grid that is in a div from a button click event. How do i destroy the grid? 回答1: There is a method named destory() . As per documentation: destroy() Gets the grid to destroy and release resources. If you are using Angular (version 1 or 2) you do not need to call this, as the grid links in with the AngularJS 1.x lifecycle. However if you are using Web Components or native Javascript, you do need to call this, to

Use state variable in ag grid callback not updating

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-02-19 02:47:45
问题 My use state variable, query , inside of the function isExternalFilterPresent never updates. I'm perplexed because the first console.log of query updates with each change of query. I think this is because I'm not quite understand the implementation of hooks. let gridApi: GridApi | null = null; const HouseholdTable = ({accountsData, aggregateEntityTable: {aggregateEntity, columnDefs}}: OwnProps & StateProps) => { const [isDeepDiveOpen, setIsDeepDiveOpen] = useState(false); const [query,

Angular 6 ag-grid cell renderer click function

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-17 21:19:26
问题 So I'm trying to setup ag-grid and I can't get one thing to work. I want to have a column that is actions. Then I want it to have a link or button that triggers a method in the component file. For the column def I have the following. What am I doing wrong? { headerName: 'Actions', cellRenderer: params => { return `<a (click)="onEditClick("${}")">Edit</a>`; } } 回答1: I use cellRenderFramework: { headerName: '', width: 30, cellRendererFramework: ActionCellRendererComponent,

Select with values and IDs inside an ag-grid cell?

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-16 19:03:26
问题 I am very new to ag-grid and am evaluating it. My project's data has multiple lookup tables (i.e. A Foo has a category of Bar, a Brand of Baz and a Class of Boo) that I would like to be able to edit in the ag-grid. Unfortunately, those lookup tables are not in my control and I do not always have sequential IDs. Example: Foo has a Class Class can be one of the following: ID - Value 2 - Test 3 - UAT 6 - Unknown 9 - Production 15 - Development I can't control the IDs or the Values. So if I put

Show popup kind of cell renderer

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-11 14:50:53
问题 I want to show a popup kind of cell renderer when a cell is focused. For suppose, if the row height is 50px, when a specific cell is focused, I want to have a custom cell renderer that has a height greater than 50px(e.g., 80px). I have developed a custom cell renderer, but only the content which fits within the cell height(50px) is visible and the remaining content is cut off. I tried setting up absolute positioning,higher z-index etc., but nothing worked. For cell editors, we can specify

Show popup kind of cell renderer

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-02-11 14:50:51
问题 I want to show a popup kind of cell renderer when a cell is focused. For suppose, if the row height is 50px, when a specific cell is focused, I want to have a custom cell renderer that has a height greater than 50px(e.g., 80px). I have developed a custom cell renderer, but only the content which fits within the cell height(50px) is visible and the remaining content is cut off. I tried setting up absolute positioning,higher z-index etc., but nothing worked. For cell editors, we can specify

Populating reaxt ag grid after API call

走远了吗. 提交于 2021-02-11 13:48:53
问题 I am new to react and stuck at this point. I am doing an async API call in action dispatcher to fetch a list of patient data.Once the data is returned I need to render it in ag grid. This is my code: import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { fetchPatientsStartAsync } from '../../redux/patients/patients.actions'; import { PatientContainer } from './patients.styles'; import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react'; import 'ag-grid/dist

How to display two grids side by side using Angular 6 -Ag grid

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-02-11 12:06:40
问题 I am trying to place two grids side by side ,but the second grid is automatically shifted to the next line. I have reduced the width of the grids to 40% each ,and also tried to place the grids in <span> ,But still I am not able to display the grids beside each other. 回答1: Using flexbox should solve your problem: .row { display: flex; } .column { flex: 50%; padding: 10px; height: 500px; } <div class="row"> <div class="column"> <ag-grid-angular [gridOptions]="firstGrid" class="ag-theme-balham">