Storing an std::thread in C++11 smart pointer

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-07-05 07:57:13


In C++ 11 & above what are the advantages or disadvantages when storing an std::thread as a member of class directly like so:

std::thread my_thread;

As opposed to storing a std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr to the thread like so:

std::shared_ptr<std::thread> my_thread_ptr;

Is any of the code options better than other? Or it doesn't matter, just 2 separate ways of handling the thread object.


May be there is some less common reason for usage of pointer (or smart pointer) member but for common usages it seems that std::thread either does not apply or is sufficiently flexible itself:

  • We may want more control over lifetime of object, for example to initialize it "lazily". The std::thread already supports it. It can be made in "not representing a thread" state, assigned real thread later when needed, and it has to be explicitly joined or detacheded before destruction.
  • We may want a member to be transferred to/from some other ownership. No need of pointer for that since std::thread already supports move and swap.
  • We may want the object pointed at to be dynamically polymorphic. That does not apply since std::thread does not have any virtual member functions.
  • We may want opaque pointer for to hide implementation details and reduce dependencies, but std::thread is standard library class so we can't make it opaque.
  • We may want to have shared ownership. That is fragile scenario with std::thread. Multiple owners who can assign, swap, detach or join it (and there are no much other operations with thread) can cause complications.
  • There is mandatory cleanup before destruction like if (xthread.joinable()) xthread.join(); or xthread.detach();. That is also more robust and easier to read in destructor of owning class instead of code that instruments same thing into deleter of a smart pointer.

So unless there is some uncommon reason we should use thread as data member directly.


If you have an option of having your std::thread as a member variable, go for it. If not, consider other options. Don't wrap it inside std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr unless you have a serious reason for doing so. Given that std::thread is movable by itself, it's pretty unlikely wrapping it into a smart pointer will be necessary.

