Tensorflow2 Tensorboard is not working in jupyter (static ip)

余生颓废 提交于 2020-06-28 06:07:45


I Want to see it Tensorflow Graph and Weight using Tensorflow in Jupyter Notebook. But It is not working. I use Jupyter notebook on the remote server.

%tensorboard --logdir logs
%load_ext tensorboard

it say it is too long to response at static ip.

How can I solve it?!


Reading this Github issue, you can find that specifying the host manually when launching Tensorboard apparently does the trick.

Instead of

%tensorboard --logdir {logs_base_dir} 


%tensorboard --logdir {logs_base_dir}  --host localhost



Please don't post identical answers to multiple questions. Instead, tailor the answer to the question asked. If the questions are exact duplicates of each other, please vote/flag to close instead.

Written by Samuel Liew♦ while removing my previous answer.

I totally understand that I should flag the duplicate and Bla bla bla. I tried to. But as there is no yet an accepted or upvoted answer, I cannot do that. I previously answered the other question. Then I've found this afterwards, and this is older, so this should have a proper answer and the other post should be marked as duplicate.

I would like to have moderators actually helping the community. Why has my answer been removed, while no post has been actually flagged as duplicate? I cannot understand why one thing has been done and not the other. If a moderator is considering to remove my answer, please remove my answer from the OTHER post and flag that other post as a duplicate.

