Displaying multiple camera images to Grid view

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-05-16 02:24:13


i want to display multiple images capture by camera to Grid view. i go through many questions how to do but non perfectly work for me. i use This to implement. but using this i am able to get the image in my image view but whenever i capture new image that image replace my older image. and now i am clue less what should i do to add camera images one after another. anyone know how to implement this then please help me with sample code. thank you in advance.


Use the comment provided in the answer in this link:

showing camera capture image to gridview

This should serve your purpose. Hope this helps. Let me know if you face any issues

You maintain a list out the onActivityResult. Initialize the list as a class variable means

ArrayList<Contact> imageArry = new ArrayList<Contact>(); 

add this line after class definition when you declare your variables. That should make you add multiple images

