
CocoonJS & Cordova plugins: “class not found” error

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-13 18:57:41
问题 I would be glad if we had an example on how cordova plugins should be wrapped for CocoonJS. I'm trying to use the device-orientation plugin (compass) in a simple example but after the app has initialized, the navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading() returns an CompassError with the code: Class not found The class name cannot be resolved correctly, so probably something's wrong with the config.xml file. After combining many sources, mine looks like this: ../www/config.xml <?xml version='1.0'

Setting the Minimum iOS version in XCode

你。 提交于 2019-12-08 14:44:16
问题 I'm fairly new to Xcode as I use CocoonJS to build my HTML5 iPhone game but I want to know how to correctly set the minimum iOS version. I've set my deployment target to 8.0 and did a clean and then a build but when I submit to the app store it says the minimum iOS version is 6.0. The next thing I tried was manually updating this value in the info.PListbut then I get an invalid binary in iTunes Connect saying Minimum OS Version Mismatch - The minimum OS version (LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS) in