
How to change icon/emblem of a directory from bash

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-30 14:01:15
I'm playing around with get_iplayer (fantastic) it's running every few hours to grab any new episodes of whatever.... After it has finished grabbing anything new i'd like to change the emblem of ~/Videos to add a plus or star (nautilus emblem preferably) Do i go about this via nautilus? Do i need to change something in gnome-config? I'm sure this can't be FS level? Cheers for any links and advice. gvfs-set-attribute ~/Videos -t stringv metadata::emblems new urgent gvfs-set-attribute -t string $FOLDER metadata::custom-icon file:///home/user/path/to/icon.jpg There's a package called libnautilus

How to change icon/emblem of a directory from bash

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-11-29 19:53:02
问题 I'm playing around with get_iplayer (fantastic) it's running every few hours to grab any new episodes of whatever.... After it has finished grabbing anything new i'd like to change the emblem of ~/Videos to add a plus or star (nautilus emblem preferably) Do i go about this via nautilus? Do i need to change something in gnome-config? I'm sure this can't be FS level? Cheers for any links and advice. 回答1: gvfs-set-attribute ~/Videos -t stringv metadata::emblems new urgent gvfs-set-attribute -t